14: RE: Memories

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(Y/N) was sitting in the corner of the orphanage’s main room, after his regular beating from the kids who bullied him. This has been the norm for him ever since the kids found out that he was quirkless. The caretakers had declared him insane when he told them that he is the missing son of the pro heroes Dynashield and Electic. their main reason was that he looked nothing like the missing boy, which at first confused him, but his confusion went away as soon as he saw his reflection in the mirror.

The eye color of a human depends upon the melanin produced by the human body. The production of melanin depends upon minerals and proteins. Blue eye color is said to have the least amount of melanin, while dark brown is said to have the most. Furthermore, if a child doesn’t receive a proper healthy diet, necessary for the production of melanin, during their childhood, it can cause their eye color to change.

(Disclaimer: I don't think that this can happen in real life, so please do not take this seriously)

This is what had happened to (Y/N). During the first three years of his life, he received a proper healthy diet, but after that incident it would be a miracle if he had fresh food to eat. This in turn had caused his eye color to change from brown to blue.

As for his hair, the authorities were responsible for dying his hair. As his father didn’t want him back. But he didn’t know that, so it was a mystery to him.

All in all, up to this point he had lived one hell of a life and all he could do was to lay on the ground and endure the pain. He was driven away from his thoughts as another kid came and sat beside him.

He looked up and saw the kid. He had bright yellow hair and light brown eyes. The kid looked at him and smiled.

??: Hi my name's Hideyoshi nagachika, but call me Hide also,

He reached out his hand to (Y/N).

Hide: Let's be friends!

And since that day, Hide became friends with (Y/N). While (Y/N) was shy and introverted, Hide was the complete opposite, loud and extroverted. Hide also helped to save (Y/N) from the bullying, occasionally fighting too.


It just so happens that one day, (Y/N) had to go and do his laundry and hide wasn't with him. The kids who bullied him had planned to attack him when he went to the washroom.

(Y/N) was pushed back to the ground as soon as he opened the door of the washroom. Looking up he saw the two kids that bullied him. One had black hair and a quirk that gives him more strength and speed then a normal human, the other kid had brown hair and a quirk that gave him telekinetic powers but it was extremely weak.

Both of them grinned and (Y/N) had no choice, but to back up in fear. He wanted to run, but he knew that it would result in an even worse beat down.

Takahashi: Did you really think that we had forgotten to beat a shitty idiot like you?

Kasuga: Hey hey Takahashi, look, his dear old hide isn't here to protect him.

They both laughed and then activated their quirks.

Takahashi: Let's put you back in your place!

Both of them lunged forward to attack. (Y/N) curled into a ball in hopes to receive less injuries. He waited for the beatings to come, but they never came. Opening his eyes he saw a girl his age standing in front of him. She had purple hair and by the looks of the spikes around them, she had a spikey quirk.

???: Why are you two attacking someone in my territory?

Oh that voice confirmed it for (Y/N). The person in front of him is Touka Ayano. She was put in charge of the washing area by their caretaker and now it's supposedly her "territory", but hey at least this allowed (Y/N) to get away without a beating.

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