Broken Hearted Princess

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Third Person POV

Derreck Mitchell and the Spencer's arrived at the Chicago Airport around 2 in the afternoon. Tiredness, uncertainty, and grievance were felt through the thick icy weather.

After they each gathered their luggage, they decided on grabbing something to eat before heading towards their destination.

Ashley was especially feeling anxious. She itched with the need to run into her daddy's arms. She could almost picture his face full of surprise and excitement when he sees them. She knows he's not expecting this surprise. She looks forward to their reunion, longing for each second to pass by quicker until the time comes for them to meet with him.

Derreck sat next to Logan. He sat calmly, eating his food and making small conversation to keep Logan's mind at ease. He knew Logan was in no mood, his demeanor said it all. Dark aura and a stiff complexion that fought against self-control.

How could he keep calm? His gut told him things were edgy from the start of that damn cruise. The body language and involuntary glances between that woman and his father had given him more than a night of thought.

All plus his mixed feelings for Sophie at the time gave him such headaches, that sent him into the worst moods possible. If it hadn't been for Steven's company, he was sure to lose his mind back then.

After they had lunch together, they headed towards the hotel where Derreck had rented two rooms for both Riley and himself.

He walked towards the reception and asked to upgrade Riley's room to a higher suit, to accommodate Ashley and Logan as well. Though most rooms were already booked, the receptionist managed to switch them to two rooms with double beds next to each other. Thus, Logan would stay with Derreck, and Ashley would dorm with her mom.

Ashley swayed from side to side, holding her duffle bag in front of her. "Mom, why can't we just go directly to dad's place? I mean, Logan and already have our room there, and we are here to see him after all. Why not just go there? I'm sure dad would allow Derreck to stay in the guest room. Don't you think so?" She sighs, looking out towards the elevator where a bell boy is carrying an elder lady's luggage behind her.

"Sweetheart. Your dad, well. . . .he may have company over, so we must give him and his company the privacy they need. We will only see him long enough to say our blessings for Thanksgiving and go back home with aunt Ruthie and Meghan to spend Thanksgiving with them. You wouldn't want them to spend Thanksgiving all alone as well would you? I mean they did come to stay and help us with our new family business after all. The least we can do is spend their first year at Lakeview together with us do you not agree?" Riley tried to hide her grief behind her voice. Averting her gaze somewhere else to hide her unshed tears.

She gulped down hard and fought the tears back before forcing a smile on her face and looking at Ashley with loving care.

Ashley sighs, puckering her lips and averting her gaze between her mom and the two men accompanying them.

"I guess. But, who's visiting dad? Is it uncle Peter and his family? If so we should stop and grab a slice of chocolate cake for Mindy. She loves chocolate came, and it would put such a big smile on her face." She smiles, reminiscing on the last time she saw uncle Peter and her little niece Mindy. Uncle Peter was falsely three years older than her dad, but he decided to stay single until five years ago when he finally married. Mindy had been born a year after their marriage, making her the smallest of their family at four years of age now.

"Sweety, I'll have to consult with Peter first, Ok? You know he doesn't approve of Mindy having too many sweets. We'll wait and see what his thoughts are, ok?"

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