sixty one.

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Hey, angel

Do you know the reasons why we look up to the sky?

Hey, angel

Do you look at us and laugh when we hold on to the past?

One Direction's fifth and final album before their "eighteen month hiatus" is out within the next hour.

"Cheers," I raise the beer in my hand, the boys and Emma clinking their bottles with mine.

"Cheers!" They chorus back before we all take a sip at the same time.

I'm not a big fan of beer, but tonight I am.

The beach has always been a place of peace for me. It's connected to some of my fondest memories, so picking the beach to listen to my best friends' new album with them for the first time was wise. It's slightly windy but the sweater I wear, and the body heat from Harry's arm around me, prevents me from getting cold. Eleven o'clock at night is an odd time to be at the beach, but it's quiet. And this part of the beach is kind of secluded from everything. I have a knack for finding secret spots in places.

"I want to sleep." Niall falls back against the sand, insisting that he's going to take in the environment instead of sitting on towels like the rest of us.

"Is this album that boring that you're already tired of it?" I question. "Because if the guy who made half the album doesn't like it, how are you expecting us to like it?" I gesture between Emma and I.

"It's an okay album." Niall sits up on his elbows to take a sip of his drink and then lays back down flat. He's obviously joking, I know how proud of this album all four of them are. They really put their heart and souls into this one.

As much as I've been trying to push the thought from my brain, I can't help but think how different it feels now without Zayn's presence. I know it's been months since he left the band, and I know I've done stuff with the boys since then, but it just feels so different listening to One Direction's album and him not being here. For the last four years, we've listened to the albums together. The six of us. Now it's still six of us present, but in Zayn's place is Emma.

I've got a fire for a heart

I'm not scared of the dark

You've never seen it look so easy

"I've got a river for a soul. And baby you're a boat. Baby you're my only reason." Emma and I sing at the same time, obviously already knowing this song by heart.

Our four boys watch our whole performance, clapping and cheering when we don't butcher the notes completely. The moment makes me feel some type of future nostalgia, as though I'm already missing these memories while simultaneously making them.

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