day 19 : treatment 3

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when my veins start turning black and bruises start popping up unannounced on my arms, alice tells me it's because i have sick in me

she says the best way to cure me of this is to let it out

so i take the shiny pills from the glass box they're encased in,

i run through the maze of razor tipped roses,

and i let it all out, tainted crimson droplets splattering

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why is it i always wake to your ugly face?

i usually don't dare to say
but today,

my head feels light; like a hot-air balloon (in wonderland i would be able to float away)

and if i can escape after,

what's holding me back from saying the truth?

bleeding and purging

     mental illness was perceived to be an illness of the body, not the mind, which led to the misunderstanding that patients needed to be purged of 'melancholic humors'. thus started the practice of bleeding patients through venesections and inducing vomiting in them too.

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