day 32 : treatment 4

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oh dear!

it seems alice and i, we have run into a sticky trap.

the mushrooms have caged us in,
     crowded us in,

and they still keep moving towards me

stop! you'll suffocate me!

they keep moving

and i'm pushing and punching and screaming,

     but i'm still trapped

⊆ ♠ ⊇

screams pierce the dark, damp air
and i'm glad

she deserves this, for her cheek
'why is it i always wake to your ugly face?'

now look at her

and look at me

i'm not the one trapped in a box, screeching in insanity


when patients would have fits or breakdowns, confinement was a popular solution. patients would be restrained by chains, cages, or straitjackets.
one of the cruelest forms of confinement was by the utica crib, which was essentially a crib with a caged lid. they were often extremely cramped and narrow, with patients being confined in them for up to several hours at a time.

bedlam; bellatrix lestrange Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz