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20th Day 124. Meat cravings.

21st Day 125. Sense of smell went through the roof. Had the smell of someones meal in my nose at least for a decent amount of time.

22nd Day 126. Sense of smell was cranked again. Started coughing cuz it stuck like peppers in my throat.

23rd Day 127. Sense of smell cranked again. Wasn't coughing as bad?

24th Day 128. Idk.

25th Day 129. I wasn't wafting anything I was cooking. I swear! I'm not sure if it's just powders/spices, or the smell of food. While I love the spices others cook with (Including myself.) The smell is good, but too strong. It's very hard to not cough unless I turn my head the other way while using spices and powders. The smell is just too strong and it's almost like particles get stuck in my throat.

26th Day 130. Idk.

27th Day 131. Idk.

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