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13th Day 179. Idk.

14th Day 180. Idk.

15th Day 181. Mostly was just protecting others in astral as a wolf. I have a kingdom there so I like to help out others. Some only have a start of a kingdom so I like to help them expand as well! Although my physical hearing got randomly sensitive later in the day XD

16th Day 182. Idk.

17th Day 183. I almost physically shifted! I might've even for a second lol. I was listening to this sub for general shapeshifting and it's working awesome for me. I'm not sure if I'll list what sub, or not yet. Well see. I'll post it if I shift. How about that? It's just subs are so personal. What I use might not work for you. It's like how everyone enjoys music on a personal level y'know?

18th Day 184. Idk.

19th Day 185. Idk.

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