4: Saviour

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung felt his surroundings burning. He tried to move away from the feeling only to feel it more over his back. He felt his throat all dry, his lips were stuck together as he could feel his own hot breaths over there.

"Come on, why do you've to be burning like that? It's already mid-day." Someone groaned beside him and he tried to open his eyes but the heaviness didn't allow him. Moving his lips a bit, he let out a little whisper.

"H- hyung."

"Oh! Are you awake? Can you hear me?" The same voice asked again.

"Jeez! Come on! Open your eyes, pretty boy."

Pretty boy? I've heard that before.

Taehyung thought and tried again to open his eyes. A little crack between his eyes and he saw a silhouette leaning over his figure and tapping his cheek gently.

"Can you hear me?" Taehyung slowly nodded his head and slowly his eyes opened.

"Ah! Finally. I thought you'd die over me." The person in front of him scoffed and leaned back.

A little frown was decorated over the flush face of Taehyung as he tried to sit up. When Jungkook noticed his expression, he cocked his brow.

"Don't tell me you forgot me." Taehyung licked his dry lips and leaned back over the wall as his eyes scanned the room. The room was neither big nor small. It was looking spacious because of lack of the furniture. There was a little table, one chair, and what looked like a wooden closet in a corner. Another door was located at the corner, which might be of a bathroom.

"Where am I?" Taehyung croaked out in his deep hoarse voice, eyes still looking around.

Jungkook was silently noticing his movements. He was sure that other was too shocked by the previous events that he didn't notice his surroundings last night. Shaking his head in disappointment, he grabbed the water bottle and handed that to the silver-haired.

"Here. Drink some water." Taehyung stared at the bottle for a long movement before grabbing it.

"You're still suspicious of me. Great." Jungkook muttered under his breath as he noticed the hesitation of the other.

"Well, I'm Jungkook, as I mentioned last night-"

"Last night? For how long I was asleep?" Taehyung blurted out with wide eyes and then he noticed the light peeking inside the room from the locked window.

Jungkook sighed and rubbed his temple before nodding his head.

"Yup. Last night. You're out for about 12 hours straight. I get you here around 4 am and since then, you're out. You got a high fever and just woke up." Jungkook finished with a nod, satisfied to complete his line in one go while looking at his expensive wristwatch.

"12 hours," Taehyung repeated in a whisper and felt his heartbeat quicken as he recalled the last night. He put the bottle aside and looked at the raventte who cocked his brow on that, once again.

"I- I need to go. Please.. whoever you are... please let me go." Taehyung said desperately, eyes holding nothing but fear. Jungkook sighed at that and grabbed the bottle again, after opening the lid, he handed that to the other again.

"I'm keeping you here pretty boy. You need a lot to absorb, so if you're ready, I can tell you." Taehyung was confused about that but when the other pressed the rim of the bottle at his lips, he backed away.

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