19: Hidden?

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

Beast, monster, or hybrid? It wasn't a clear answer yet but whatever it was, one thing was sure it screamed danger.

The eerie silence of the thick forest was once again back like no one died there a few moments ago like there wasn't any chaos going on there like it wasn't dangerous.

In the same silence, there laid the silver-haired on that uncomfortable bed, once again. The small whimpers and groaning made him realize that he wasn't alone.

His stomach, wrist, ankle, and every fiber of his body were in pain that it was so difficult to move even an inch. But at the same time, it was a clear sign that he was still alive.

Before he could fight off his pain and open his eyes, a soft and wet cloth touched his forehead then cheeks and neck, like someone was wiping off something from his skin. The coldness made him shudder, realizing that his body was quite hot compared to the cloth.

"Shh, it's ok. Just rest." A soothing voice, the voice he was waiting to hear, said near his ear. Another whimper left his dry lips as a throb made him feel jolts of pain throughout his body but right at that moment, a soft caress started lulling him to a deep slumber, giving him a small break from unbearable pain.


He wasn't sure of how much time already spent like that, fighting with his pains and trying to open his eyes. After a lot of effort, when he finally opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed with his hazy and blurry sight was a dark room.

On instinct, he bolted up only to groan in pain that was still present throughout his body. When his eyes felt accustomed to the dark, he felt like crying upon seeing the same wooden cabin. Even though he wasn't sure of why he felt like that, maybe he was happy that he survived and most probably Jungkook brought him here, or maybe he was frustrated to be back.

"Tae- oh my God." The voice made him whip his neck on the right side only to cry in pain.

"Calm down, baby please." Jungkook looked more panicked as he reached his slightly fisted hand and kissed the back of his palm many times.

"Lay down, you- you're not fine, pup." Hearing that, Taehyung felt a bit puzzled but reels in mind started to work when Jungkook turned on the torch and he saw his ankle and right hand wrapped in older's clothes, a wet cloth laying over his lap that was placed over his forehead when he bolted up.

Events before losing his senses started to spread across his head, making him clutch over the older's rough hand in his left one. He opened his mouth to say something but his throat just hurt in turn, making it impossible to let out any single word.

Judging from his struggle, Jungkook understood the situation and softly cupped the pale face of the other who slightly shivered at how the hand was so cold.

"You have a high fever, love. Your.. your throat is hurt so don't try to talk for now." Taehyung gave him a frown, again trying to talk but a painful groan made him give up immediately.

Jungkook didn't let go of his hand as he took hold of a water bottle and made him drink from it. Every single sip was going down like burning lava, which made him drink only a little amount.

Once, Jungkook placed the bottle back and checked his temperature, the silver-haired lost it and started crying silently. Whatever happened before was so much scary to forget and he clearly remembered, how the older was laying lifeless that almost made him believe that he lost him.

The eerie Jungle ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat