Him as a dad

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●oh he would freak out
●but would calm down soon enough
●he cries when he sees the baby for the first time
●wants one cause he adore babies and kids love him
●Neil is the kind of dad who gets up at night when the baby cries
"Don't worry I got it, go back to sleep"
●would totally wake you up the morning with your son/daughter in his arms
●would play with the baby like it's an airplane
"Neil, that's dangerous"
"Don't worry honey, I got it handle. Look it's flying away. Bye mooom!"
●would tuck them in their bed for the night after reading a story laying next to them
●when your kid is older, he would let you do "the talk"
●tho he would LOVE your kid's boyfriend or girlfriend
●like he would be so friendly and open to them you know
●would be scare at first to be like his dad but you tell him he's not and he won't be
● something leading another, the package arrived in your belly


●he would love to have a baby
●but is terrified
●would literally beg you for one even tho you already want one
●Charlie will talk about it before
●like the talk "are you sure we're ready, a baby is a lot of responsibilities"
●because he grew up more responsible but still is a chaotic child
●would be late when you're in labor
●would play hide and seak with them
●He surely fall asleep next to the kid when reading a story
●wants to call them nuwanda
●you refuse.
●plays saxophone to them
●when the baby cries he stops and looks at you with an apologizing look
●he would try the baby's food
"Charlie, are you dumb ?"
"I just wanted to try but that's totally disgusting"
●would sit the baby on his shoulders 🥺


●Todd freaks out at first
●doesn't really know how to carry the alien in his arms
●but learn fast
●he's so good with babies that surprise you
●would play with the baby's feet
●oh my god he would totally try to see if the milk isn't too hot by putting a bit on his wrist
●would so wrap a little blanket around the baby's shoulder
●he loves to see you with them
●so scared when the baby is hurt
●and shocked when the child loose his first teeth
●he can't be mad at his child
●one day you came back from work and found them both on the couch. Todd asleep, laying on his side, and the baby sitting on the space his body formed
●he litteraly lives for his children
●cries when your daughter or son have to go when they're older


● but sometimes it doesn't reach the mouth
●he's such a softie with children
● the child would steal his glasses
or he would give it to them
and the baby would start laughing
like yk babies' laughs
so meeks laughs too
● he would be such a open minded dad like he would let them do whatever they want and would be so okay with whoever they want to be
● one day he tried to paint the room with your and his child. When you got back, there was little white footsteps everywhere and paint everywhere but the wall
●pretty sure he would buy his children little hats
● loves to tell the children how he met you


● that boy would be LOST
● but gentle and caring
● I'm sure he would spoil them
● he tries to cook one day with them while you were at work so it'll make you happy. but it ended up really bad as your child was a bit covered with tomato sauce
"What happened in here?"
"Y/n, i am so sorry, i didn't mean to"
● he would help his child with homeworks
● would make a lot of mistakes at first
● when the baby eats, he would totally take him on his lap
● would totally mess the things up when he built the furnitures for the children
● but when he's done with it he would be so proud of himself
● totally would do pillow fights
●if his kid wants a dog THE KID WILL HAVE A DOG
● when the kids are finally alseep, he lays down on the couch with you and you both cuddle, watching a movie


● surprisingly so much caring
● once he get a child he wants a hundred of them
● omg he would so make them listen to music with headphones way too big for the baby's head
● "uncle meeks"
● "Is it how we change diaper?"
"it's the other way around pitssie"
● once your child heard you say pittsie, they try to say it
● but it mostly look like a sneeze
● when the baby is sick he would FREAK OUT
"We have to get him to the hospital"
● idk but I'm sure he's the one who helps with maths


If you guys want a bigger story about any of those, please tell me it would be a pleasure for me to do one!
Cuz it's like so cute

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora