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"Hey, you are awake? How are you?" Dara looked up and approached him courteously. "I was asleep for a while."

"Yeah," he nodded. "Where is Nifemi?" she asked, it was pretty dark already.  She walked toward the kitchen where he was moving around, busying himself with what they would eat.

"What are you cooking?" Dara asked, her eyes peering over the counter. "I am cooking jollof rice," her stomach right in time to signal that she was hungry. She smiled sheepishly and sat on the stool provided under the kitchen's Island.

"It will soon be ready," he pulled a carton of chivita and biscuit and some ice, dropped it next to her and sat opposite her.

"What are you doing?" he asked and she looked up from her phone. Her social media was crazy, everyone was stating their theory about why they were married, mainly about the family merging their company.

"The whole world wants to know why you married me," she said a little amused. He draws the chive and poured small into the glass, he took a sip, not wanting to ruin his appetite.

"Well, there are some secrets we would have to take to the grave," he said with a little smile. The room fell silent for a while, "I want to talk to you Darasimi," he said seriously, she kind of suspected what he wanted to say but she kept mute, she wanted to hear it from him.

"I know that everything seems crazy now, and you are dealing with Kelson and my mother but please I need to talk about us, I cannot continue this journey under uncertainty. I like you very much and it hurts me that this is what we have come to be Dara, I wish all this did not happen to us. To our friends, it is like when one drama ends, another begins, we can just not catch a break. I like you regardless of what has happened and I want you to know that I will not stop trying to date you unless you state it now. I will not exempt myself from what happened right years ago just because I did not smoke that night did not mean I did not smoke many other nights."

"Are you trying to excuse Kelson's behaviour?" she asked upset. He shook his head, "of course not! What he did was horrible. He is my twin brother and I have done some pretty shitty things too. All I am saying is that I want you to determine what we are. Do you still see me as a romantic partner? Do you want us to try and give this relationship one more chance because it seemed like we were constantly battling to stay alive and that we had little time for ourselves?"

She could agree with what he just said, they had too little time to themselves and their romances had died very fast. She was not pleased about where their relationship had gone but it was seriously out of her hands. Well, she had promised herself that she would take charge of her life and not allow anyone to screw her over even though her life was in Kelvin's hands at the moment and he could do whatever he wanted to her.

"I booked us a week in a resort, I want to get to know you better Dara. I like you and I will do everything possible to win you over and make you mine."

She scoffed, "yours as in a possession?" she asked and he smiled sheepishly, "is that something you do not want me to say?" she rolled her eyes.

"I am not complaining Kelvin, as long as I am out of that house. I am just happy that everything is settling although I think that the way Kelson reacted was a little bit scary."

"You are doing it again Dara, this! Everything is supposed to be about us, let us forget about Kelson or the outside words. I want to talk about us without the thought of anyone interrupting."

"Okay, okay," she raised her hands in surrender and Kelvin turned to the stove remembering that he had left the jollof, he switched off the stove before turning back to her, "you want to eat now? Your stuff is already in the guest room. I guess you are not comfortable staying in the same room as me.  You can design the room however you want."

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