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Dara shoved more puff puffs into her mouth, she opened her teeth grinning, pushing the ludo piece on the table, he narrowed his eyes, "you seriously think that you are going to win?" he asked and rolled the bottle the dice clicking together, he slammed it on the ludo's glass, and his mouth opened when he saw double six.

She frowned, she had barely any piece outside moving and he was almost done with everything, he counted the twelve with his piece advancing him so much. He rolled the dice again annoying her, he had one and six and smirked bringing out his last piece.

She rolled the dice and saw three or five, she gave him back the dice, and he had a small smirk on his face angering her, "why are you smiling? What is funny?" she snapped and he raised his hands in surrender.

"I am not smiling, why would I be smiling?" he said the smile turning into a smirk. She frowned, "you have not won yet, Kelvin," she said playing and finally moving one piece, Kelvin played and moved the piece into the colon that was protected from enemies.

"play now! We don't have all-day Darasimi," she rolled her eyes. "Don't stress me, Kelvin, allow me to play this thing without stress, shy is stressing me!"

He raised his hands, "I am just trying to help you o, don't be aggressive," Dara narrowed her eyes. "Aggressive? Aggressive?" she said again and pushed all the dice and pieces from the board.

Kelvin's mouth fell open, she smirked at him, "that is what I call aggressive, since the game has split then there is no winner!" she good up from the bench she was sitting on and walked back into the house living Kelvin to pick up the pieces of the ludo.

"You are so somehow, how could you have thrown the whole Ludo away?" she shrugged and clicked on another channel.

"I am not going to answer you, leave me alone," she clicked. Kelvin shook his head and sat on the chair watching and rearranging the dice and the pieces into the bottle. He joined her in bed and frowned at what she was watching, "what are you watching?" he asked, looking back at the Tv to the cartoon that was playing.

"Family Guy," Dara was still eating the snacks provided for her by the resort, "aren't you too old to be watching cartoons?" her mouth hung open and she turned to him.

"I am not the one that almost cried in the fault in our stars, you are the one to talk," she tsked and turned to the tv watching and eating her chin-chin.

"You are so annoying," he muttered and hugged her, "I am telling the truth, now this is what we are going to watch," she said and turned back to the TV she laughed at Stewie yelling shooting up a magazine.

"Why is the baby's head like that?" Kelvin questioned frowning invested in Stewie's antics, peter's scene comes up he was fighting with a huge chicken and it started going in reverse.

"This is the weirdest cartoon show I have ever seen," Kelvin said with a frown, another scene with Lois competing with Bonnie, they watched about Seven episodes before she fell asleep.
"What are you doing?" Dara frowned as Kelvin pulled off his shorts and walked toward the bathtub, she was taking a sip of champagne and enjoying the ocean's view. He slipped into the water and pulled her into his arms.

"Hey what are you doing?" she asked again. He snuggled into her and rubbed her stomach, he pulled out the champagne and took a sip of it.

"Delicious," he said looking down at her, Dara got comfortable. Kelvin took the remote and turned in the Tv, he had binged watch seventeen episodes of family guy yesterday finding it fascinating.

"You like family guy don't you?" she muttered looking up at the Tv, "yeah, I like Stewie the most. The baby is very weird but he is a genius at the same time."

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