prelude + aesthetics

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✮ e x t e n d e d s u m m a r y ✮

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e x t e n d e d s u m m a r y

A playground brought Wesley and Carter together as kids, but as time relented, more ingredients—growth, stress, relationships, and love—were mixed together with their ready friendship formula. It takes quite a while for a fresh batch of sherbet to freeze—but that one constituent, love, took especially long to freeze. But it'll be worth the wait, because when the sherbet leaves the fridge, blessed will be the tongues of those who taste it.


d i s c l a i m e r s

↠ this story is entirely fiction, everything mentioned (places, people, events, etc) is invented! any similarities between this story and real life are purely coincidental.

↠ copyright © 2021 coolfuzzy1o1
all rights reserved. it is prohibited to copy, plagiarise, or reproduce this story in any way shape or form without the author's permission. it should only be on wattpad, on @COOLFUZZY1O1's profile, and not anywhere else.

↠ issa short story—as mentioned in the description, the parts connecting this story together are small (perhaps notable) moments between the two, so they're short and simple, but hopefully enough.


a e s t h e t i c s

✮ a e s t h e t i c s ✮

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spontaneously wrote this story and wasted time i should've used on many other things (i.e. school, my actual WIP, and sleep), but i'm happy to be finally bringing something onto this website after so long of awkward inactivity! it's pretty short (around 10k words) and was entirely pantsed within a few days, so if you're looking for a light read—well, here you go! i hope you'll enjoy it as much i did writing it <3

[fun fact: i got inspiration to write this from a book i read that made me sob like crazy and also olivia rodrigo's debut album—i recommend checking it out. i've been listening to it on repeat for the past week (while writing this too) and i think i've gone hysterical, but in a good way of course.]

do give constructive criticism (because i need a lot of that juice), and don't refrain from voting and commenting! i would love to hear all your thoughts. just remember to stay respectful!

i'm super grateful for you even if you only opened this (mwah!). you have no idea how happy i am for you to be here, reading me type random stuff on this webpage and have absolutely no idea what i'm doing! (you all make me happy cry.) i'm aware i still have got lots and lots of things to improve and work on, but having you here makes me happy, so thank you one million times for clicking onto this and listening to me rant and write this story mindlessly!

PS. i don't know if it's wattpad or just me, but my em dashes keep turning into hyphens? let me know if it appears that way! it's kind of buggy on my end.

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