onze // we love

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"I'm so fucking glad that shit is over

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"I'm so fucking glad that shit is over." Carter exhaled, a huge burden lifted from his shoulders from finally leaving the exam hall and also because he'd seen Wesley waiting outside with her arms wrapped around her textbooks.

She tutted. "When did you get a sailor's mouth?"

Carter rolled his eyes amicably, pushing up the sleeves of his lavender jumper. He was practically sweating underneath it, not because it was hot, but rather because of nerves, and he could feel wet patches underneath his pits. He wanted to change so badly. "Ever since I hung out with you," he teased.

She grinned but didn't say anything to refute. They walked down the school halls, occasionally bumping shoulders. Carter wasn't sure who started it but they both continued it as they made their way towards the school entrance.

"Can I come over?" Wesley finally broke the silence between them when they reached Carter's car.

"You didn't even have to ask." He climbed into the driver's seat, tossing his backpack to the backseat while Wesley slipped in through the passenger's side door. She kept her bag on her lap instead of throwing it back, buckling her seat belt as Carter did the same.

The latter started the car, the engine rumbling to life, switching gears, turning his head this way and that to see if it was clear before he drove out from his parking spot. At the mouth of the road out of the school, Wesley faced her hot gaze at Carter. It was hard to focus, but he made sure to keep his eyes on the road though his body was tense knowing she was watching.

"You know," the girl in question started, "your car smells an awful lot like you."

Carter's brows shot to the atmosphere, maybe even out of the milky way. "You smell me?"

Wesley choked on her saliva. "No—obviously not. I mean—I'm your best friend. I know how you smell...Don't you know how I smell?"

Carter looked at her out of the corner of his eye, feeling himself go warm as blood rushed to his cheeks. "I mean—yeah—but—okay, I get what you mean." He actually had not, but his integrity was altered by his love, so he thought it better to lie than tell her about his feelings. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel. Time was running out and graduation was coming, he only had so much time to lie now—before the chance of telling her slipped away.

Wesley smiled, triumphant. "What kind of cologne do you use anyway? Everything of yours smells like—this." Carter could see her waving around in the air from his peripheral vision and smiled subconsciously.

"I wasn't even aware I had a smell." He remarked, turning the wheel curled in his hands to the right.

"Well, it's everywhere—on your blankets, your car, your clothes, and—I'm going to stop talking now. I think you get the point." Wesley was acting particularly weird but it made Carter smile because she was flustered for some odd reason. He thought she was cute.

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