Chapter 12: The Confidential Letter

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Dear Miss Sherborne,
        Here's to completing our interrupted conversation. I hope this letter finds you in good health and safe environment, for I must warn you, this is a matter of great secrecy. No one but you should know the content of this message.

      I am assuming you have a few questions with concerns to the Duke and me. Be certain that this letter, if read thoroughly will resolve any and all such confusion.

      I believe you realize that your mother along with the entire ton, wrongly considers me the Duke. All but you. However, it is not a misunderstanding that should be cleared, it is in fact a well-planned misapprehension caused by the orders and will of the Duke of Dales. In other words, I am to attend this season in London in the Duke's stead and no one must know about this arrangement. No one but you.

      Now, I understand how absurd must this sound to you, but I beg your support and cooperation, for this is all being done for a greater good. You would've never been involved, nor was this a part of the initial plan but since you saw my face at the masquerade ball, to you my true identity is now a secret no more, for you know very well that I am not the true Duke of Dales. However, the entirety of London believes so and we wouldn't want a minor wine spilling accident to ruin the Duke's plan, which is nothing but to avoid getting involved in the marriage market this season.

      As you must be well aware, my friend the Duke has only taken up the responsibilities of the dukedom six months ago, he has many unfinished businesses and awry affairs to deal with in London and the dukedom is, with no doubt his first priority. He has no time nor interest in marriage at the moment, but he cannot avoid being pulled into it merely at his will, hence this arrangement.

      There is with utmost certainty, no ill will from my side or the Duke's involved in this plan. I plan to not break any hearts or hurt any lady by presenting to them any false promises or fake impressions that shall have them expecting unrealistic things. The season will be over in no time, the Duke will be able to manage his dukedom affairs and I shall manage the marriage market on his behalf while not causing anyone any harm. All I request of you is to keep your knowledge of this arrangement and my true identity a secret from any other living soul.

       You must not tell your mother or anyone else anything about this masquerade. This is a secret kept for a good cause and you, Miss Sherborne are now a secret keeper.

      I am expecting the best of you and your sincerity and with strong trust in your character, I'm deciding to share this extremely confidential knowledge with you.

      Lord Greycoat  

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