Chapter 41: The First Crack in the Mask

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Esther's 'Your Grace' took Lawrence by surprise. His head snapped to Edward and he flashed him a look that was enough for him to understand his next expected action.

"I- Miss Sherborne- T-to what do I owe this pleasure?" He stuttered despite putting on his most confident picture.

"Your Grace, I must talk to you this instant. You wouldn't mind my sudden interruption, would you?"

"Of course not-"

"He will!" Edward spoke louder than Lawrence making Esther frown harder than she already was.

"His Grace says he wouldn't mind," She managed from behind clenched teeth.

"That is of course, because he is too humble to turn down a lady, however-"

"Well so should you!" Esther snapped in absolute rage.

"However, Miss Sherborne," he spoke above her banter, "one should be considerate enough to realise how occupied in the matters of the dukedom he must be. You can tell me your problems, I shall convey them word by word." Edward was holding her with a gaze so much authority, she almost felt like agreeing.

Esther seemed to understand the logic behind his insisting but she felt an almost insurmountably strong urge to defy him. She hated how he was looking at her. "I will not talk to you when he is standing right before me." She tried to make that sound determined but she only ended up sounding childish.

"Miss Sherborne?"


Two more voices joined the conversation. One sounded curious while the other was enthusiastic. Esther turned around to spot Lady Richcomb with her son Henry walking into the square hall. The women paid each other gentle curtsies as Eleanor walked up to the three.

"Lady Richcomb. Apologies for my abrupt visit. I have an urgent matter to discuss with the Duke."

"Ah, it's a pleasure to have you here Esther, always. It has been ages since you last visited." Lady Richcomb replied with a smile and stole a quizzical glance at his brother who did not seem to be wearing a very welcoming expression, especially with regards to the woman he had been introducing to his horse and stuff lately. "Brother, shall I ring for tea for the two of yo-"

"That won't be necessary. Now if you will all excuse us," Edward said plainly looking at Eleanor making her frown at the coldness in his behaviour while he was too lost to take a note.

"You excuse us, sir. I hate to repeat myself but I am here to have a word with THE DUKE." Esther's temper was turning harsher with every dialogue. Edward clenched his eyes and his fingers reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Eleanor was watching the scene very keenly but was just as badly failing to make sense of the situation.

"Lawrence, go back inside," Edward ordered with his eyes still shut tight. "And close the damned door."

"Are you not listening? I need to talk to His Grace. Who are you to order him around?" Esther protested in annoyance.


"Lawrence. I said GO THE HELL BACK IN!" Edward bellowed making little Henry jump in alarm.

Lord Benjamin turned red in embarrassment. Esther's eyes were on him with a messy layer of frowned eyebrows above them. Her face spoke bewilderment and Lawrence was sensible enough to realise that him humbly obeying Edward would be the worst thing to do at that moment however Edward left him fewer options.

He bowed his head towards Esther one last time before disappearing behind the door once again. The disbelief in Esther's eyes was beyond measure.

"Eleanor, would you mind?" Edward spoke looking up at his sister.

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