Enemy of my frenemy

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Kat punched at Tai but her grabbed her elbow and span her back, "Finally an actual partner

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Kat punched at Tai but her grabbed her elbow and span her back, "Finally an actual partner."

Tai smiled as he went to punch Kat but she quickly leaned back. She then pushed him out of the way before kicking him in the side.

Tai span around but Kat ducked kicking him at the legs flipping him over onto his back, "Tip, you could have avoided loosing your footing if you flipped into it."

Tai grunted as he stood up, "Flip? Now you're just making fun of me."

"Maybe." Kat said as she kicked but Tai pushed her leg down. Tai ducked as she tried to kick him over the head. He then tried to punch her legs out but Kat did an aerial to get away.

The pair began to circle each other and stated to block hits from each other. Tai knocked Kat into a wall, "Thought this place was meant to be peaceful." Kat said

"It is." Tai said as he went to punch Kat but she grabbed his arm pushed him against the wall the flipped him over her onto the floor.

Tai groaned, "I'm out." Kat helped Tai up, "This place is a no fighting zone but sometimes you have to let of some steam especially ex spies like us."

"Who says I'm ex?" Kat asked

Tai gave her a look and said, "You really think they're gonna let you back in?"

"There's hope." Kat said as she moved back over to the mat

"So what's it like having Gordo as your guide?" Tai asked

Kat picked up a water bottle and said, "He is infuriatingly patient, it's like he believes with his whole being that I can do this."

"And that's a bad thing?" Tai asked

Kat shook her head, "No it's just only one other person has ever been like that and he lied to me for nine years."

The CLASSIFIED agent- 𝓐𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓗𝓘𝓔𝓛𝓓Where stories live. Discover now