Suitcase x reader || you will be found

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This was hard to write, but I just couldn't get this idea out of my head. I'm sorry.
Also, the art was made by rice. on Inanimate Insanity Amino.

You quietly exhale, your eyelids heavy and your breath shaky. The rain poured down, along with some thunder, soaking your entire body. At this point you can't tell if the rain is on your face, or if you're crying. It would make sense if you're weeping though, you're not in a good state of mind.

Have you ever felt like nobody was there?

As the rain(or tears) dripped from your chin, you thought about how you were going to go on. Life has just been an asshole to you, even to the point where you don't know what the do anymore. Nobody even tried to help. Nobody. They all just ignored all of the red flags and your calls for help. "..P-please..." You sobbed under your shaky breath.

Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?

"H-hello?" A near voice then called out in a slight panicked tone. You just quietly gasp, covering your mouth. Oh no. You then begin to slowly crawl away. No no, I'm not going back! You thought as you tried your best to crawl away, and hold in a few big tears. But the rain was getting in your eyes and blocking your vision. "No no.." You whispered as you then tried to wipe your eyes as you crawled.

Have you ever felt like you could disappear?

But, unfortunately, it didn't work and you ended up tripping on a rock...or maybe it was something else. "Hello?" The voice called out again as you toppled down a short steep hill. Mud covered your clothes and got in your hair as you hit a flat, and muddy, surface. "Oh! Are you alright?" The kind voice then asked, sounding like it was coming closer in your direction. "What happened?" They asked in, what sounded like, a slight panic.

Like you could fall, and no one would hear?

You just thrusted your torso from the muddy ground and, somehow, landing on your bottom. "G-get away..!" You cried, a few tears draining from your face. Your vision was still blurry, due to all the mud, rain, and tears, but all you could see that was in front of you was just a box. You then took a moment of silence, before rubbing your eyes with your muddy hand, now feeling stupid for telling a box to stay away.

Well, let that lonely feeling wash away

It was until you looked at the box again that your fight or flight reflexes finally kicked in. It wasn't a box, more like a light brown suitcase, but it had legs and a (worried) face. "Are you alright?" She repeated, slowly walking in your direction. You backed up, looking her in the eyes with a terrified feeling in them. "I- I.." You tried to speak up, but you couldn't. You just couldn't. There was a giant wad of spit stuck in your throat.

Maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay

"Could you at least nod or shake your head?" She politely asked, still looking a little worried. You just shook your head, finally revealing that you're not alright. "Oh dear, what happened?" The suitcase looked at you, taking a few more steps closer. You swallow that big wad of spit that happened to be stuck in your throat. "I...I- ..I ran away.." You quietly told the suitcase. That's when the suitcase then sat in front of you and asked you another question. The question you hoped she wouldn't ask. "Why?"

'Cause when you don't feel enough to stand

You sighed, pulling your knees up to your chest. " it feels like I can never do..a-anything right..." You quietly vented to the suitcase, a few more tears, along with some of the rain, dripped from your chin. "Everyone-..everyone just gets mad at me..." The suitcase watched as you continued to choke out a few more words to her. "Hey.." She started in a very quiet and kind voice, as she then stood up from the ground. "I know what it feels like to be yelled at. It hurts. And you want to just disappear.."

You can reach, reach out your hand

"But you shouldn't just push away everything, I know it hurts, but there are still people who care about you.." Suitcase explained in a gentle voice. You then wiped a few of the tears away from your bright red, and also muddy, cheeks. "Things can be hard, but just because it's hard doesn't mean you should give up. If people gave up like that, we wouldn't have the things we do today," A small, soft smile slowly brushed its way across your face.

And oh, someone will come running

You managed to cough out only a few words. "..than- thank you.." The suitcase then smiled up at you. You smile back, a few more tears dropping down from your mud stained cheeks.

And I know, they'll take you home

You slowly pushed your knees away form your chest, showing Suitcase that you fee at least a little better, and knowing she made someone happy makes her happy. "So, where did you come from?" You asked, looking down at Suitcase.

Even when the dark comes crashing through

She just answered with, as she stood up and pointed in a direction with her foot. "I came from over there," You looked in the direction, but you couldn't see anything because of all the trees and bushes. "Oh, well, I came from there," You said as you then pointed into the opposite direction of where Suitcase pointed. "It's a town I live in," You add.

When you need a friend to carry you

"Oh, maybe I should visit you sometime," She time you, giggling a bit. You just nod. "Please do, I don't really have many friends over there," You said told her, your smile starting to fade away from your face.

And when you're broken and on the ground

But then you looked back at the Suitcase, in the eyes. "What- what's your name?" You asked, a wad of spit slowly forming into your throat again. "Suitcase, what's yours?" She smiles. You just gave a small smile back. "(Y/n)." She then giggled a little. "That's a nice name!" "Thanks, Suitcase,"

You will be found

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