9. Trust?

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I slam the door shut and stomp down the hall, towards the stairs. "God damn it!" I yell, slamming my fist into the wall beside the staircase. I stomp down the stairs, sitting on the bottom step with my head in my hands.

Why are you acting like such a child? Does her opinion of you really mean that much? Fuck, of course it does. I can't help it, theres something about her. Is she really the one? I mean, it could all be a mistake. After all, none of us actually fully believed in the whole soulmate thing... what if this is all a mistake?

Mikey steps out of the living room and walks toward me, sitting on the step beside me and resting a hand on my shoulder. "You alright?" He asks, "do I look alright?" I respond, glaring at him. He shrugs, removing his hand from my shoulder, "Ray said he sent you to comfort her. What happened?"

"I fucked up..." I say quietly, my voice cracks softly and I take in a deep breath. "What happened?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

I quickly explain the whole situation to him. He hums, seemingly examining and dissecting the whole experience in his head. He's silent for a moment, eyebrows furrowed, staring off into space. He finally speaks up, looking back to me with a soft smirk on his face, he hardly ever smiles. "Just give her time Gee, if she is 'the one' she'll forgive you, if not-" I quickly cut him off "I want it to be her Mikey..." I trail off, locking my eyes with his.

He chuckles, "then dont be such an ass towards her, and keep that damn temper in check. I'm sure storming out on her didnt help any." He states, I nod, biting the inside of my cheek "she scared of me Mikes..." I take a deep breath, "I feel like shit, as soon as I got my arms around her she started shaking like fuckin crazy and her heart rate quickened more than I even thought humanely possible." I breathe out, he sighs, standing and shaking his head.

"You should try making her breakfast in the morning, pancakes or something... and coffee, girls love that shit," he chuckles. "Yeah, like you know anything about girls!" I laugh, "more than you do," he winks and walks back to the living room. As he steps inside, another voice chimes in with a "I know more than both of you!" Frank.

I stand from my place on the stairs, rolling my eyes and follow Mikey to the living room. "Oh yeah?" I ask, leaning against the doorway, Frank nods frantically, "yeah!" He shouts.

"Then how do you gain a girls trust?" I ask with a smirk, "well I dont know that shit!" He scoffs. "But if you're talking about Y/N, just be nice to her, try showing her the library," he shrugs "why would she wanna see a bunch of dusty old books?" I ask, confusion all over my face.

"She gives me bookworm vibes," he shrugs, I roll my eyes. "Not every quiet girl you meet wants to read old books," I step over to the couch and plop down next to him. "Just try it, ya never know..." he shrugs, "whatever," I shake my head, rolling my eyes.

"If you don't give it a shot, I will," he smirks "she sure is pretty, I might just steal her away from you." He states, smirk somehow growing as he speaks "and I'll fucking smother you with a pillow," I growl, suddenly growing protective over her.

He perks up, "great! Give her more reason to hate you! After all I've been nothing but nice to her!" He says excitedly, leaning his head on my shoulder and smiling up at me innocently. I shove him off, a light growl in my throat,"Frank, if Gerard completely lost his chance at her and she chose to stick with any of us, it'd probably be Ray, you know that right?" Mikey asks, looking over at us. I narrow my eyes in confusion, looking between a poker faced Mikey and slightly shocked, wide eyed Ray.

"Why Ray?" I ask, looking to my brother "he's been the most caring towards her-" "okay, but that's not fair! He looked into her memories!" I shout, cutting Mikey off, he rolls his eyes. "Which is exactly why she'd go for him, she doesnt have to try to share hard things with him, cause all she has to do is give him permission to search her memories for it. C'mon, she's been her almost a whole night now and he's the only person who she has had a full conversation with without it being out of fear." He finishes and I sigh, standing from the couch.

"I'm goin' to bed," I say, leaving the room. "We're vampires, we don't even sleep..." Frank trails off, as I make my way up the stairs and to my room.


Stay rad Weirdos ✌

I love you alllll ❤❤❤

Imma be at the beach for the next few days, so yeah...

I probably wont be as active

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