Chapter Eighteen

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At once, chaos ensued. Many of the room's occupants ran out, heading towards the front door. Eric was pulling Ana towards a different direction than everyone else but I did not have a chance to see where. Jonah was holding me to him trying to tell me something while I was trying to go see what was happening.

"Emilia!," he practically roared. My attention snapped back to him and I stared with wide eyes. Not because of him yelling my name but because my mind was racing so fast I could not latch on to any singular thought. At least, I couldn't until his yell snapped me out of it.

"Stop and listen to me! I know you want to go out there right now. But I can't figure out what's happening and help if I'm worried about you."

I opened my mouth to protest. We did not even know what was happening outside yet. Not definitively. People could be hurt and they needed help!

But he cut me off before I got the chance to say any of that.

"Please Emilia, Mine. I need you and Clarisse to go grab the children from upstairs and then meet Ana down in the basement. There's a safe room down there that the pack has set up. She'll help you get there. Please. Do it for me." His voice was pleading but slightly distant. I could tell he was half paying attention to what was going on outside. But I still felt like I could help. Many of the people from the plane wreck were out there still. They needed to get to safety also. Frustration was building in me at him not understanding that I could not simply get myself to safety when others needed help.

"If you won't stay inside and be safe for me, do it for the children. They need help and what if something has happened. Clarisse can't do it on her own." Just like that, the frustration at the entire situation deflated inside me. At least, in the way that had been building up to me insisting on going with him.

He was right. Ana was, I'm sure, gathering everyone she could. But who was getting the kids? I highly doubt Ana would even be thinking about them. Simply because she was not used to thinking about them, if not for the assumption someone else would get them. They needed to be the top priority.

I internally groaned in irritation. Then I sighed aloud, accepting he was right. At least to the point of making sure the children were safe. "Fine. But be safe! And the second you know it's safe come and get me! Or I'll come myself. People may need help!"

He nodded but I could tell he was growing increasingly distracted and relieved I agreed without much reluctance. He kissed me hard on the lips quickly then nodded toward Clarisse.

She was standing in the corner of the room looking frightened. I hadn't even realized she was still here until he mentioned and motioned to her.

"Now go. Both of you. Get the kids and go to the basement. Ana will know what to do. Be safe, Mine. Or I'll make you eat dinner with everyone the rest of the time we're here."

I rolled my eyes but inwardly chuckled. I knew he would not make me do it if I did not want to. But I was growing increasingly aware that Jonah was the kind of man who would not do anything to hurt me, even if he was joking. So, that was his way of simultaneously trying to let me know he was serious while making me feel better.

I grabbed Clarisse by the hand and practically dragged her towards the stairs. We really did need to hurry. I had no clue what was going on outside but the smell of smoke was getting stronger. The sounds of yelling weren't as loud, but I wasn't sure if that was a good thing. "Come on! We need to get Liam and the girl! Hurry!"

When this was all over with, I was going to make it my mission to get the girl's name. I was tired of calling her 'the girl'. Both in my head and aloud.

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