Chapter Twenty-One

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I broke through the tree line running as fast as I could, leaving the clearing we had been standing in. My vision narrowed, tunneling in my single purpose of getting my mate back. So, I was not paying attention to my surroundings.

Before I could get a few feet into the trees a heavy force of another shifter's wolf slammed into my side. I snarled in anger even as my body flew sideways through the air, only stopping once it slammed into a tree.

My wolf's feet scrambled to get purchase underneath my body so I could shove at the other wolf who landed on top of me.

With a forceful shove of four paws, I launched the other wolf across the clearing. My mind narrowed and my vision faded into tunnel vision as anger coursed through me. Anger at whoever dared stop me from going to save my mate, no matter who they were.

As the other wolf landed and spun around to face me, growling in warning with his hackles raised I saw something in the corner of my eye. Someone else was here.

I snarled, stepping to the side to try and keep both the threats in my line of sight. Vaguely I realized the newcomer, Silver, was still in his human form. But I knew it did not make him any less dangerous.

Tilting my head towards the wolf, I allowed myself a moment to inhale. Scenting the air I realized the wolf was Eric. This served to confuse me and anger me all at the same time.

How dare another alpha attack me and keep me from rescuing my mate. The only way so many alphas and packs can be here is we all respect each other. But here he was not respecting me. I doubt he would have done anything differently if it was his mate who was missing.

Just that thought made me snarl at them again, taking a step forward with my teeth bared in anger.

"Wait! Wait-wait-wait." My head swung back towards Silver, baring my teeth at him in a warning.

So far he had not done anything to anger me, but he was not very far from it.

"Jonah... Alpha Jonah. Calm down. We aren't trying to keep you from finding her. But... please shift back. Both of you. I'm tired of being the one talking to fangs."

My nose scrunched up to show said fangs but I huffed out in irritation. I could not afford to wait on finding Emilia. But, now that I was not seething in anger, I realized they may have a point in stopping me.

With the smoke from the fires, I would not be able to catch her scent and I did not know his territory very well.

Snarling one more time I shifted back to my, now naked, human form. Once Eric shifted, I spoke in a clipped voice. Still angry but willing to hear them out. As long as it was quick.

"What was so important that not only am I wasting precious time, but you have the audacity to attack me."

Eric winced and rubbed a hand through his hair. His southern accent was stronger than I had ever heard it. "Attack is a little... strong. But I'm sorry about that Alpha. We just needed to stop you before..."

"Before what? What is more important than my Emilia?!" My voice raised at the end in a growl.

Eric glanced at Silver with a pained look on his face. A look, I suspected, was more about angering me further than it was about what they had to say to me.

Silver's dry tone answered me. "Look, as much as I just love having important conversations with naked men while knowing any second it can blow up right in front of me, this is important. You need to hear us. Not just listen, but hear what we are trying to tell you."

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