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𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐢 ♕︎♕︎

"Omg your petite body is so cute," London says as she smiles at me excitedly

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"Omg your petite body is so cute," London says as she smiles at me excitedly.

This gym fit is too small for me. I know that there are others that are comfortable with their body but I just don't feel the need to be exposed.

"London you're small too you're just taller than me," I say while raising my eyebrow at her.

I fold my uniform neatly and sit it inside the locker. Most of the other girls in this class have already changed before me and London got here so it's just me and her in here.

"Girl we have hella activities to do during this school year, have you thought about what you want to sign up for?" She asks as pulls her curly hair in a ponytail.

I don't plan on signing up for anything but I do believe I have to have extracurricular activities for a good college I want to go to. I haven't even thought about what college I want to go to. I have had offers but I never really pay too much attention to them.

"I'm not sure if I want to try out for anything," I say as we walk out of the locker room and head to the bleachers where the rest of the class was.

When I say the class is packed. It's packed; all races were in here. Every girl was in the same gym outfit as me and the dudes were in a similar one.

"You've got to give me your socials and phone number," London says as she hands me her phone so I can add my phone number.

"Gosh, I could suck his dick right here and right now." A girl says behind us.

I guess she was referring to one of the basketball players and just to my luck Korbin and his friends are in this class. I should have been listening to London when she said something about athletes being in the second period.

Guess this is going to be my least favorite class but at least their bathrooms are nice and clean. One of the things that are a major pro for this school.

Imagine going to school for eight hours and the bathrooms are nasty.

A/N: Y'all I kid you not I hate a nasty bathroom like I will not pee all day.

London turns around with her lips tooted up. "Can you not?" She says and snaps her head back toward the front.

A white woman and a black man walk to the front.

"Okay students we're going to start off outside and we're going run the track field. Five laps." She says as everyone groans in the class.

"Also that will be your grade for today; it shouldn't be that hard." She says as she heads to the door where it says exit.

Everyone heads toward the exit including me and London being the last ones. I don't trust anybody behind me.


"I think I'm going to eat a salad for lunch with a smoothie," London says as we walk to the cafeteria.

P.E. class was good. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and I think what really made it better was London. The girl could talk. She talked the whole class period away.

Which I didn't mind; because at the moment I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts.

My other two classes after that weren't too bad. Most of my classes are AP minus math. I could honestly say I've never been that good at math. If I study hard enough I would at least make a C plus or a B minus on the test.

Other than that it's not a class I have an A plus in like history. That subject is so easy; who fails history?

"I think I will too but I need meat with it so maybe some chicken," I say as we walk into the cafeteria.

Everyone is already basically clicked up but considering that this is my first time at this school. I'm lucky to have London. Even though I'm not totally sure if we're friends since it is the first day. And for me, it doesn't take just a day for me to be friends with someone or even consider someone my friend.

"If you want we can sit in the corner over there," London says as she points to the corner where a two-seater is placed.

"That's fine," I say as we wait in line to order our food.

"I'm just saying y'all got all this food up here and all these lunch ladies back there and yet y'all don't get no more steak in this motherfucker?!" yells a girl who is much shorter than me.

"MANN I CANT STAND THIS FUCKING SCHOOL YALL KILLS ME WITH THIS SHIT!" She says as she storms off to the vending machine.

The line moves up quicker than it was before. I guess she was holding up the line.


"Yea her name is Jeyla I believe and she's not from around here and she's on the girl's volleyball team," London says as she stabs her salad.

"I honestly think you rethink your decision on trying out for extracurricular activities; it would look good on your college resume." She continues.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone that talks so much. But I guess it's fine since I don't have to be in my head all the time.

"Mmh I don't really know because people be doing the most," I say as I shrug my shoulders.

My real reason is that I don't want a lot of attention and I just hate when people stare. Like earlier when the teacher decided to call me out in front of everybody.

Like you don't have anything better to do ma'am.

"Well, I'm thinking about trying out for the cheer team or volleyball." She says.

I can see London as a cheerleader. I think because she's tall she could probably throw people in the air. Also, she's always smiling. She just has a cheerleader attitude.

My mom wouldn't want me to go hiding back into my shell since she died. I know she wouldn't but I'm just not sure if I can bring myself to come out of my comfort zone. I've been hurt too many times to count.

"Mmh Im not really a people person so I'm not really sure whether I would be comfortable even cheering," I say as I pull out my Lysol wipes and wipe my area clean.

"Well if you change your mind, let me know."

The bell sounds throughout the cafeteria and signals that lunch is over.

Let's just hope nothing happens.

Yay, the second chapter is down!! I know you guys haven't got a feel of Seraii yet but just give the book a chance

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Yay, the second chapter is down!! I know you guys haven't got a feel of Seraii yet but just give the book a chance. I know she isn't as outspoken as Zahara and beat a bitch up era but give my gaal a chance.

This was a short and chill chapter. I hoped you guys enjoyed it.  ;)

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