Chapter 17: No Going Back

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He had been spying on her for two days. Spying on Valarie Miller. His own mother. The moment he got suspended he did what he thought he would never do. Something he swore would never do again. He saw his brother enter a few minutes ago. All he felt was hate, complete and fueled hatred. He could kill him right then and there. Before that another man had entered the house. It felt really weird for him to spy on his own family.

Ex family

He also saw another man enter the house before his brother. He was older. He looked around fifty. After that, he had heard four shots which might of come from a gun. No, it did come from a gun. He felt like rushing in to save his mother. Yet, his mother could have been the one who pulled the trigger.

There was hatred for his mother a bit. It was stupid because she probably didn't know what really had happened that day. But seeing her housing the man who came out of her womb along with him.

A few minutes later he saw his brother walk out of the house his pace quickening with each step.

This is my chance.

He got out of his car and walked over to the house. He slowly without making a noise stood near the door. there was no sound. His childhood days were filled with noise, this was a different kind of silence. A silence that is redeemed to be deadly. He decided to take a huge risk. He pulled his hoodie on which shadowed his face. He opened the door slowly and saw something that made him wish he never broke protocol one.

The first thing he saw was the body of the man he had seen entering the premise right before his brother did. This body didn't make him care one bit. He took gloves out of his pocket, wore it and bend down to take a closer look at the dead corpse right in front of him. He reached in to the man's pocket to check for an I.D. there was a badge. Police badge. The man was a cop just like his mother. His mother was just an officer before he had permanently disappeared from that day. Now he guessed that her mother was at least a detective by now.

The second thing he saw was the one that made all of his anger dissipate. It was his mother. Lying on the ground without a pulse or a heartbeat. He didn't even need to check her pulse. He knew she was already dead. He wanted to cry. But he couldn't. He bent down to get a closer look at the three shots. Two to her stomach and one right at her head. He turned his head to the other dead man. It had the same diameter and the position of shot was strikingly similar. Almost exactly to the center of the head. The man who killed them must be very skillful. Two shots right to the head from a gun. He thought that they both could have been sniped or shot from long range. Or maybe both. His mother could have been killed by a handgun judging from the shots to her stomach. The stomach was shot first and then the head sealing her death.

Who could have...?

That's when it hit him.

He had been so vague. Seeing his mothers' body had made him forget all about his brother's arrival and departure. It was him. But why? that was the question that stumped him. He could after him and kill him right then and there. But he was suspended right now. He would be killed if he killed a person outside his professional career. This was not the first person that his brother tried to kill. He knew the first person very much. In fact, He knew the person his brother tried to kill like he knew himself. This was because he was the first person his brother tried to kill.

He had two choices now. Kill his brother and risk his life. He could off the radar after he would kill his brother. It wouldn't make much of a difference. Or. He could continue his spying and make sure he would never lose sight of the person he called his brother and once his suspension was over, he could do it. In his line of work, if a person deserved to be killed, he or she can be killed without an order. He had never thought of doing this because he didn't like or would want to play the role of God. He was beginning to second guess things.

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