The Past

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I know I had promised I will not ask about her parents until she willingly tells me, but I had to know.
For us to work well, I had to know where she is coming from.

I saw her face flex at the question.
I had last seen this, when I had asked her about her reason to move to Alark from Velgan,  in our first class.

We were laying on our sides facing each other. She shuffled at her place getting uncomfortable at the question placed. I put my arm around her, my thumb softly moving up and down her bare back.

She looked at me with fear, and sadness and for a minute I regretted asking her the question, until she gathered herself to open up to me.

I was 5.” She spoke, indecisiveness  yet evident in her voice.

I nodded at her encouraging her to go ahead, as I held her tight in my arms.

“my parents were high school sweethearts. They had a bond everyone would wish like.” She started from the very beginning.

I kept quiet wanting her to continue.

“They were the class toppers ;intelligent, studious whatever you call. They were very similar to one another. Both belonged to families facing financial burden, therefore they both could confide in each other; because others wouldn’t treat them well, given their financial status. Therefore both of them had only one aim in life, to be as rich as possible.

They had decided that they will not get married until they are satisfied with their financial status.

They were still struggling in their career when my mom got pregnant with me. 

They were not very happy with the pregnancy but couldn’t abort since my mom was weak and might have to face other complications , for which she wasn’t ready, neither physically nor financially to pay  for the further medical expenses after abortion.

I don’t know what made them marry each other, the family, the fact that the government at that time did not support the child’s expenses if the parents aren’t married, or because they were genuinely in love with other.

As far as I can remember, I have never ever seen them happy with each other.

There were just fights, arguments and violence between them. They never did anything to me physically. Never.

My mom would often blame me for ruining their lives, but I was too young to understand anything except the fact that I did something wrong.

I don’t remember one day, I spent with my parents, like a regular kid, they were often so engrossed in work.

Then one day my mom came up to me. My 5th birthday. “what is my baby doing?” she asked with such a sweet voice.
she had never spoken to me like that before, never. 

I was happy, very happy.

“It’s your birthday today. you have become a big girl now Viona. I and dad have decided to take you to a big theme park today.” my mom smiled at me.

I thought everything would be ok from today onwards, since I have grown up.

Dad drove us to the theme park. He was very happy in the car, kind to my mom, laughing and smiling at me.

I was sure this day couldn’t get any better. We were roaming in the park for good one hour. My parents took me to every ride I wanted to go on, bought me everything I laid my hands on. I believed for the first time, that I was wanted, that they cared.

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