What's coming next.

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I was locking the door of my room when I heard stomping of feet across the corridor. We were about to meet downstairs for the meal, before finally leaving back for Alark.

I turned around to see Jenna coming in my direction, her face flushed red in anger.
I sighed at the sight of it.  I knew this was coming, but not so early in the morning, especially when I had an empty stomach.

I stood by the door, with arms crossed over my chest  mentally repeating to myself that I have to stay calm.

“explain!” she stood in front of me, mimicking my posture.

I raised my eyebrows, hoping to get a clear context of her question. It was then when I realised that Prof. Peter was also standing in the corridor, apparently confused.

“why did you leave midway yesterday?” she sounded offended.

“I had an emergency.” silly excuse I could not think of anything else.

“What sort of emergency, that you had to run half way through the trek?” her voice a little louder.
I was starting to lose my patience here. Already

“Do I really have to explain?”

Peter was still standing there just looking between the both of us.

“Ofcourse,  We had to be on trek together--  I mean, it was the responsibility of both, to take care of students on the trek. You cannot just leave everything to me, and run, and now you aren’t giving a satisfactory explanation for your actions. What is this supposed to mean. Who would take responsibility if anything would have gone wrong Eric.?” sadly she did make sense.

Given the fact that my senior was witnessing everything, I had to atleast come up with logical explanation.

“Um.. I had an upset stomach, and needed to come back to the hotel immediately, I hope you’re convinced.” I blabbered, without considering what I am speaking. I should shut up.

“what??” she did not seem to buy it

I sighed again. There’s nothing more I can do to convince.

There’s nothing more I can think of.

“I think I am done with my explanation.” I started to leave.

“you did not report to me Eric, that you were back.” Peter spoke from across the corridor.

Everything was just testing my patience, which I clearly did not have much.

I turned to look to him. first of everything, his mere existence annoyed me, and his interference in my decisions just takes to another level.

“I did not read that rule anywhere, before coming to the trip.” I turned to face him.

“well that goes without saying, I have been sent, because both of you are going with the kids on a trip for the first time. So u had to at least inform me.” he stated obviously.

I sighed and looked at him again. “well, in that case, Mr. "Experienced Professor", don’t you think you owe us an explanation, for not ‘guiding’ us and not coming on the trek.”

His face reddened with anger, embarrassment and guilt.

“you don’t get to talk to me like this.”

“I am done with this discussion.”

Jenna’s mouth opened and closed with the unavailability of words.

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