Chapter 16

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Kendall's POV

Today was a free Saturday. Meaning i could do anything with anyone but instead i slept in until noon and stayed in bed listening to music the entire day.

"Okay Kendall! You need to get up and start getting ready for your date with Luis!" Connie says while urging me out of the bed. I roll out of my bed and slump on my floor.

Connie takes me by the shoulders and lifts me up, "okay we will start with what to wear!"

She scans through my clothes then stops, "perfect!" She passes me a red spring dress that i apparently own. "Go put it on! I know you don't remember but you looked gorgeous in it!"

I finally get up and walk over to the bathroom. I slip the dress on over my head and look at the reflection in the long mirror. She was right, i did look good in this dress, it made me feel confident.

I make my way out of the bathroom to be met with Connie's bright face, "gorgeous! gorgeous!" she shouts as she gestures me over to the chair to do hair and make up.

She did some light makeup only giving me mascara, some foundation to cover up some of my already rosy cheeks, and lip gloss to make my lips seem more pink and plump.

She left my long wavy brown hair down and put red butterfly clips to hold up bits of my side bangs. "Thank you for helping me Cons, i would've been a complete mess without you."

I hug her as she squeezes me tighter, "my baby is all grown up! Going on her first date!" I begin to laugh as i grab some sandals and head towards the door.

"I'm meeting Luis outside. Tell Julie that i say to have fun with Adam," i give connie a wink as she responds with two thumbs up, "have fun beautiful!"

I let out a deep breath as i open the door to outside. I was very nervous about this date, it was my first. I saw Luis who looked adorable. He was wearing a white shirt with a tie and some black pants. His eyes beamed when he saw me.

His mouth dropped when i made my way closer. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies!" I joked with him trying to make myself less nervous. He blushes as he handed me some flowers, "these are for you."

"Red roses, my favorite," i say impressed. He gave me a small smile, "Connie helped me out." I nod in understanding.

I grabbed his hand as we began to walk, "so, where are we going?"

"First we're going to get ice cream!" he says excitedly. I laugh knowing Connie probably helped him plan this whole thing, "how did you know that i like dessert before i eat my dinner!"

He gave me a knowing look, "well, who doesn't!" I smiled brightly at him as we walked hand in hand to the ice cream shop.

The date had been going good so far. We had gotten and paid for our ice cream, which he paid for like a gentleman. We took a seat at one of the tables and continued to talk, getting to know each other once again.

I was actually having a very good time.

I don't pay any mind to the jingle of the door entrance bell as i keep my focus on Luis talking about his family, i loved how important his family was to him.

"Oh hey Kendall! Luis! What are you guys doing here?" i look up to see those dang blue eyes that intrigued me.

"We're on a date, didn't i tell you Adam," i say letting out a chuckle. He let out a laugh too as he put his hand to his head, "silly me! I totally forgot about that!"

Luis and I look at each other awkwardly as we just want to continue our date.

"Hey! You know something! Julie and I are on a date too! So why don't we make our singles a double!" he says excitedly like he had just came up with the best idea in the world.

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