Chapter 24

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"Everyone give their thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Banks for being so gracious enough to let us use their lake house for our celebration. Now go have fun!"

It had been about a week since our victory over Iceland, or how i like to call it our victory over the world.

Adam hadn't talk to me much, he always seemed to grow distant from me. At those times he was distant were the worst.

"What do you wanna do?" Connie says excitedly while shaking her shoulders.

"I'm not sure. I don't want to go far though, i want to be back in time for the bonfire tonight."

"True that!" Julie piped up.

"I mean i guess we could chill. We are going to the lake tomorrow so maybe we could have a spa day with just us girls?" Both Julie and I nod to show we agree to her idea.

"Awesome, let's go ladies!" She says as she takes each one of our shoulders and leads us into the house.

"Me and Guy are the best we've ever been! How about you Julie? How are you and Adam?" Of course someone had to start girl talk and let me give you a hint of who did... she's 5'4 and her name starts with a C.

"Oh, we actually broke up," Julie says with an awkward smile.

"Oh no! Why? You guys were great together!" i shout even though my heart danced with a little hope. Ugh i am a terrible friend.

"He said he kinda liked someone else and it wasn't fair to me but i didn't mind him dumping me, there was no chemistry there anyway. He probably will have much better chemistry with the girl he likes," she says as she wiggles her eyebrows at the last bit.

I laughed, "well i can't believe i didn't know he had another crush. He usually tells me these things. He told me when he liked you."

"Yeah well he can be a pee brain," Julie says nonchalantly which makes all of us double over in laughter.

We sat on logs around the ablaze fire. Luis had his arm wrapped around me as he gave a small kiss to my cheek. I smiled kindly at him but i really just wanted to escape.

"Charlie you're supposed to roast the marshmallow, not burn it to a crisp!" I joke as Charlie's marshmallow became a complete little ball of fire. He laughed sarcastically and flipped his middle finger up at me. I rolled my eyes and glanced down at the mesmerizing light of the fire.

I didn't look up until i felt an intent glance on me. I looked up to met with something even more beautiful than the fire... his blue eyes.

I sent Adam a small smile as he continued to stare at me with no emotion. We locked eyes for a couple more seconds until he looked away not sparing another glance back in my direction.

"I paid my dues... time after time," Averman began to sing.

"I've done my sentence, but committed no crime," he continued on.

I began to chuckle as i realized where this was going.

"And bad mistakes! I've made a few! I've had my share of sand kicked in my face but i've come through!" I began to sing along with Averman.

"And we can go on, and on, and on!" Everyone began to sing.

"We are the champions, my friends! And we'll keep on fighting til the end! We are the champions! We are the champions! No time for losers, cause we are the champions.... of the world!" We swung back in forth in each other's arms, yelling out the words.

"Heck yeah we are!" i shouted causing everyone to laugh.

After stuffing my face with A LOT more s'mores, i decided to take a walk down by the lake. Once i was down there i noticed how beautiful and clear the sky was tonight.

I laid down on the cool grass as i put my view up on the stars. I was so enamored with sky i didn't even hear the approaching footsteps coming my way.

"Kendall? Can i talk to you?"

"Adam!" I shout excitedly as i pull him down onto the grass next to me. He lets out a shaky laugh, "what are you looking at."

"The stars."

"What's so fascinating about stars?"

I let out an offended gasp, "first of all they're one of the most beautiful of God's creations and second of all, a lot of these stars have names and different stories to each of them."

"I'm gonna have to disagree on the first one."

I turn my head towards his to see that he is already looking at me. Butterflies fill my stomach as i meet his eyes, "what? you know another one of God's creations that's more beautiful than the stars?"

"Yeah. I do." I scoffed as i turn my head back to the night sky.

"You see that one right there?" i ask as i point to the sky while leaning my head closer to his. "That one's Sirius. It's also known as the dog star. It's one of the brightest stars in the night sky. In greek mythology Sirius was the dog of a hunter named Orion. So the romans placed a star named Sirius in the constellation of Canis Major which in latin means Greater Dog. I used to love to learn about the stars when i was kid, Sirius was always my favorite because of the dog story," i said as i chuckled. "I'm glad that i can at least remember about the stars."

"It's just so beautiful," i said as i stared in awe at the sky above me.

"Yeah, it is really beautiful," he said but i felt his intent stare on me instead of the sky. I smirked as my face became warm from my blush.

I sighed as i sat up, "sorry i got so distracted. What did you want to talk about?"

Adam followed my actions as he sat up facing me. He let out a long sigh, "okay well here goes nothing. Kendall i.... i..."

Suddenly his hands found their way to my face and held it tightly. Before i could even blink his lips were on mine. He kissed me. He kissed me so passionately but gently. It took me a minute to register what was happening but when i did i kissed him back in an instant.

My stomach exploded with fire works and butterflies. It was a feeling i've never felt before, not even when kissing Luis. It was the best feeling in the world.

My hands found a place around his neck as he continued to kiss me ever so sweetly. I've waited for this moment for a long while, longer than i literally can remember.

I was kissing Adam... i was kissing Adam Banks. None of my kisses with Luis could've even came close to this one. Wait, Luis.

What am i doing, this is not right. I'm kinda with Luis. Oh gosh i am such a screw up.

I separated from his lips abruptly as a look of pure sorrow filled my eyes. "I'm sorry Adam but i can't do this... not now."

"Kendall, just wait!" He said as i quickly got up to my feet.

"I'm sorry, i have to go. I just made a huge mistake," i said as i rushed away ignoring his calls.

"Kendall! Please! Kendall!"

A/N- hehe i know i'm evil! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a fun one to write. I hope y'all have an amazing day! Thanks for reading! Much love! More chapters coming soon!!

𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱  𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔰? ⇢ ADAM BANKS (2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant