Little Secret

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It was an early October morning and Lauren had just dropped Camila off at the Health Center. Even though the season was over, the brunette still had a day job as an athletic doctor. For the past two weeks Lauren had been dropping Camila off at work with her driver. The doctor said she could use her own car to drive herself, but Lauren insisted.

It had been three weeks since the playoffs came to an end and Lauren was relieved it was over. However, every other day she would receive a call from her publicist, agent or more than anyone, Jasmine.

The dark escalade pulled up in front of the Athletic Center.

"What time do you get off work?" The green eyed asked.

"Around six."

"Six? That's later than usual."

"I have some paperwork to catch up on." The brunette replied, lifting Lauren's dark shades from her face.

"Well, I'll make sure a car is here for you then."

"As always." Camila smiled, her brown eyes twinkling into bright emerald.

Lauren smiled back and leaned in, kissing Camila softly.

"Have fun at the photo shoot." The doctor said, opening the door.

The basketball player pushed her shades back down to her face.

"I'll try."

Lauren hated photo shoots, especially the photographers themselves. They would always find some way to unintentionally annoy her.

"Okay, see you tonight, baby." Camila closed the passenger door and headed towards the building.

*  *  *

Lauren was on the ESPN photo shoot set, bored out of her mind. She stood in front of a white backdrop wearing gray dress pants and a white blouse loosened three buttons, and her hair down. A make up woman was sprucing up the finally touches on her face and then quickly stepped out of the shot. The dark haired hated photo sessions with a passion, but it was part of the job, at least that's what Simon kept telling her.

"Alright, darling. Let's begin." The photographer announced, British accent strong in his throat.

Though she hated to admit it, Lauren was a natural in front of the camera. Every pose, every smile, always seemed flawless. Jasmine was there too of course, behind the scenes, watching the basketball player as the camera clicked away.

After about twenty shots, the photographer stepped from behind the camera and clapped his hands together.

"Great! Fantastic! Okay, people let's get her suited in the basketball uniform." He announced to the crew.

They  began to scramble around as Lauren was led to the dressing rooms. Jasmine followed.

In the back room, two women helped the green eyed slip into the uniform without getting makeup smudges on it. Jasmine stood in the corner of the room talking to the basketball player.

"I think this will be my best story yet, Laur. I want to thank you again for agreeing to do this."

"Hey, it's no problem. This is the last step right? We finish the photo shoot and I'm out of your hair." Lauren looked down at her feet as one of the women began tying her shoes.

Jesus, even the laces have to be right!

"Well, actually I was thinking, maybe we could have a little farewell dinner. You know, to celebrate the closing of this great project?"

Stronger Than Us (Camren)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt