A Walking Lie

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Camila stayed under observation at the hospital for an entire week before being released. Lauren had remained by Camila's side every day and night keeping her company. It was going to be nice to finally sleep in their bed again.

As Lauren's driver pulled up to the back entrance of the large house, Alfred was at the door waiting for them. The basketball player climbed out of the car and rushed around to the other side. The driver had already opened Camila's door and Lauren said she would take it from there.

"I can carry you in, baby."

"Laur, I'm fine, really."

"You look a little woozy to me." The green eyed reasoned.

"It's probably just some of the after effects from the pain medicine they gave me. But I can walk just fine." The doctor shifted her body to get out of the SUV.

Camila had noticed how overprotective her girlfriend had become of her over the past week. Lauren would be so gentle and speak to her in soft whispers like she was a fragile kitten. It was sweet, of course, but lately had become a bit overwhelming.

Lauren placed a firm hand on Camila's knee, sopping her. "Please, let me...just in case."

Camila saw the worry in those emerald eyes and relented.


Finally, making it to their bedroom, Lauren gently laid her precious cargo on the bed. Leaning over the brunette, Lauren brushed back the doctor's bangs and smiled gently.

"Do you need anything? Water? Tea? I'll just bring you both." She said quickly.


"Is this pillow okay behind your head? I want you to be comfortable."

"Laur..." Camila tried again.

"How is your head? Are you in any pain? I could..."

"Lauren!" The brunette yelled.

Lauren stopped her rambling and stared at Camila. She smiled affectionately and grasped the collar of Lauren's shirt, pulling her down for a soft kiss. She gently caressed Lauren's cheek.

"Baby, it's okay. I know you feel like you have to do all this stuff for me, but you don't. I'm not blaming you for what happened." The doctor whispered. "Don't think for one second that this is your fault."

Green eyes quickly became misty and Lauren's bottom lip began to quiver. She buried her face in the Camila's stomach as her body began to shiver with tears.

"I'm so sorry." A muffled voice cried.

Camila caressed her head. "Oh, sweetie, no. Don't cry."

Lauren sniffled and lifted her eyes, tears running non–stop.

"But you left early that morning to avoid me. I know you did."

Camila looked into those sadden green eyes and then lowered her gaze.

That was actually true.

She just wanted to bury herself in work and possibly talk things over with Lauren later. She just wasn't ready to face her and she was still hurt by her girlfriend's words.

Judging by the brunette's reaction, Lauren knew she was right.

"I don't know why I got so angry. When you started asking all those questions I..."

"Laur, it's alright. I already forgive you for losing your temper. Just don't blame yourself for what happened to me. Okay?"

"I've already thrown out all of my prescription pills. I don't know what happened to me, baby. I couldn't stop. But I promise you. It will never happen again. No more. I'm through with the pain killers."

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