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- A m a r a R u s s o -

"So, want to buy anything? I'll pay." Theo mentioned, pointing at nearby shops.

We were outside right now, going on our 'second' date. This time, Theo brought me out at around eight in the evening, right after dinner.

Unfortunately, everyone knew of my departure from the house, and from the cold glares I saw Salvatore and the twins give Theo, I knew for a fact that Theo was nervous. Nevertheless, he was able to keep his composure and did not have a total mental breakdown in front of them.

I knew I would have.

I was surprised when my brothers didn't stop me though, and when I sent questioning glances towards Alicia and Ophelia, they both just shrugged. However, the former sent me a wink, while the latter mouthed 'We'll tell you later. Go for now'.

I didn't think much about it, but if they were able to do something.. I sure am grateful.

Anyway, Theo brought me out for the nightlife. We were currently walking down streets, strolling past tons of different shops that sold clothes at extremely low prices.

"Nothing's catching my eye," I finally responded, my head turning side to side.

"You sure?" Theo said disbelievingly. "I'm sure there must be something you want here."

I shrugged. "Nothing, seriously. And even if there was, you will not be paying. I will."

"But that's not right," he frowned, "It's only right for me to pay. I invited you out."

"Well you invited me out," I emphasized, pointing at my chest. "And in my books, I pay."

"Welp, you're going to have to rewrite your books then." Theo grinned, giving me a slight pat. "And why are we discussing this? You didn't even buy anything yet, so we can talk about that when you do."

"I mean, you can buy something." I said as if I were offering him that choice. "Do you want to get anything? It's not all about me, y'know."

Theo only hummed in response, his eyes wandering the many different things.

"I'm hungry." he suddenly said.

"Want to get something to eat?" I offered. "We're walking on the wrong street right now if you want to eat."

"Yeah alright," he nodded his head. "Um, let me think. I believe it is that way, am I right?"

"Yeah," I agreed, already walking in the direction he was pointing at. "Did you think about what you want to get?"

"Not sure yet," he answered offhandedly. "I'm just a bit hungry so I'll probably get something small. I don't know, we'll see when we get there. Do you want to get something with me?"

"Maybe," I shrugged, flashing him a smirk. "Just like you said: we'll see when we get there, won't we?"

Theo grinned, and he shook his head in amusement. "No words, Amara. No words."

"No words are needed." I laughed.


"What's that?" Theo questioned, pointing at a... sausage?

"No idea," I replied, equally confused. "I think it's a sausage? I'm not sure, want to go check?"

"Yeah sure." he agreed, looking as befuddled as me.

We went closer to the stall, getting a closer look at the menu. Now that it was clear, my eyes read the list, a photo provided for each item provided. There was enough room for them with how little options there were.

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