Chapter 20

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*TW: There will be limited amount of violence in this chapter, but there will still be a bit. Make sure to not read if you might be triggered by this. READ AUTHOR NOTE AT THE END. VERY IMPORTANT!*

- A m a r a  R u s s o -


"Amara Sweetie," the voice continued to say.

A hand touched my shoulder, gently shaking me awake as I groaned out my annoyance. Opening my eyes, I see the face of Samantha staring at me, and I froze.

Damn, did I just act that unprofessional in front of Samantha Romano? Like am I dumb or stupid? I think I'm both actually.

"Amara." Samantha said, "Next time, don't fall asleep while I do your make-up." she ordered, "Go look in the mirror. Tell me if you like it."

Staggering up, I stumbled to the bathroom. Turning on the lights, I am met with the face of a completely different person.

My dark eye bags were nowhere to be seen, and my eyes were covered in pastel pink eyeshadow that faded into white. There was a butterfly drawn on the side of my eye, and it looked so natural and perfect, it was unnerving.

Samantha had also managed to make my sunken cheeks look better, and my eyebrows were outlined and stood out perfectly. Furthermore, Samantha had also managed to take my curls and pull it to the back, letting only two strands of hair fan out over my face.

Honestly, I looked like a completely different person, which only proved the power of make-up.

"Is it good?" Samantha called out behind me, and I scrambled out of the bathroom, turning off the lights.

"Yeah, thank you."

Samantha didn't acknowledge my thanks, instead continued to rummage through my closet. "You will be wearing a pear of leather boots that go up to your calfs."

She threw a pair of shoes I didn't even know I had my way, and closed my drawers, stepping out of my room.

"I will go prepare myself for the party. We leave in thirty minutes, so I expect you down in fifteen, understand?"



And with that, she closed the door firmly behind her as I struggled to put on the freaking boots.


Walking down the stairs, I was met with the image of everyone well dressed and looking proper, and for once, I actually looked the part.

All of the men were wearing suits, including Alessandro. His younger sister, Alessia, was in Samantha's arms sleeping peacefully wearing a cute dress that covered her entire body.

This dress wasn't the frilly ones, instead it was silky, and it covered Alessia's entire lower region down to her toes. However, it didn't cover her arms, and to make for that, she wore a pretty furry jacket that matched with her cherry dress.

Both of our families quite literally screamed 'rich', and although I didn't exactly like the attention, I had to say it was nice, living the life of luxury.

"Are you ready?" Salvestro asked me kindly.


"Wow, you look good, sis! Samantha did good." Sandeo whistled, and Salvatore slapped Sandeo on the head.

"She is your sister, Sandeo." he growled.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry," Sandeo shrugged off.

"Yeah, well I do worry if you are trying to hit on your sister." Salvatore said.

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