Chapter 3: The meaning behind your words...

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Chapter 3

“So what you’re saying is that it’s okay for you to break rules because you’re in power? This…human knows what we are, we could be in danger because of him and you’ve allowed this. You see everyone? This is the type of corruption we’re allowing in our pack! Why should we hav-“

“Say one more word Jessop and it might be the last word you say.” Carson warned him, his tone low and fierce.

Jessop had been trying to get the position of Alpha for years now, he and his father before him and maybe very soon his son Daryl and so he tried everything to undermine Carson’s position. We were fairly certain he had played a significant role in instituting the pack raid a few months ago but we had yet to turn up any evidence on him. He was however, still unknowingly under investigation.

From where I stood on the platform I watched as Jessop stuttered and his face turned red with anger but he said nothing more. Grady was still standing among the crowd, trapped between the two guards, but after realizing that they wouldn’t be letting him go anytime soon he had stopped struggling and instead was leaning most, if not all of his weight on the guard who he referred to as the ‘dumbass’.

I could only shake my head at his actions; Grady’s mission in life was to make everyone else’s life miserable. I’d learned that the hard way. I had to hold back a grin though, as I watched the guard shift uncomfortably as Grady leaned on him.

“Thomas.” Carson said, his eyes on me and his mouth set in a firm hard line. “A word please.” He continued.

I took the two steps that would take me to his side and angled my head towards him as he spoke low so that only I could hear his words.

“I’m sure you know what I have to do.” He said to me and I stiffened visibly, my eyes travelling automatically to where Grady stood. He wasn’t paying any attention to what was going on; instead he was now speaking to the guards. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but if the grin on his face was any indication, it couldn’t be anything good.

I turned my attention back to Carson in a flash; “Carson, we can’t, he doesn’t know yet, this could-“  I started only to have him cut me off.

“I will not have my Beta undermined in my own pack, you broke a rule. If I have you punished for it the pack will lose all respect for you and then where will we be?” he said to me.

I could tell it wasn’t something he wanted to do, but he was right, we had to think of the pack, they always came first and even though I knew this I still couldn’t help the feeling of utter helplessness and fear that washed over me.

 My heart pounded in my chest and my throat became dry. The only way we could get out of this situation was to announce Grady as my mate, that way he would have a legitimate reason for being here and the fact that he knew about us would be explained. I glanced over to my mate once more, my eyes flashing to his face and then back to Carson who was waiting for my response.

I’d waited so long for this moment; to tell Grady he was my mate and just like that, because of his own stupidity, I didn’t have a choice in the matter. At the same time, I couldn’t deny the fact that I was somewhat relieved. Relieved because it would no longer be my decision to make, it was completely out of my hands now and so whatever happened, I wouldn’t have to worry that I had made the wrong decision.

 I was relieved yet more afraid than I had ever been, however, I quashed down the feeling of fear and clenched my fists as the trembling began in my hands. I was the Beta, I could show no sign of weakness. I chose instead to think of the pack.

The Beta's Straight Mate (boyxboy) Bk 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن