Chapter 19: Loosen up.

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Chapter 19

~Grady’s POV~

 He was magnificent even in his wolf form. I watched him as he ran, the wind blowing through his fur, the way his muscles contracted and expanded in his strong powerful legs. He looked deadly with his narrowed eyes and ears standing on end but I could tell he was enjoying himself; I could feel his happiness from where I sat on the crest of the hill and it was beautiful.

 I thought of how wonderful it must feel to be a wolf, to completely change your entire being into such a beast, to feel so powerful, to feel as though you were one with the trees and the earth, just the thrill of it all had to be worth it.

 I used to pride myself in being able to match up to anyone, to do whatever they could do and do it better but this was one thing that I’d never be able to master, even if I actually tried and it was a bit disappointing. 

He stopped suddenly and tilted his head to the side as if listening to something only he could hear and as I watched the sun shine down on his form I wished I had my sketch pad, a strip of paper; anything that would help me capture the beauty before me because I knew there was no way I’d remember this scene well enough to put it on paper later.

 I wouldn’t be able to capture the exact way the sun seemed to glisten off his powerful frame or just the right angle the trees around him were bent as if to meet him on the ground below.

Letting out a sigh of frustration I leaned back against the mahogany tree and ripped my eyes away to look around me. He’d never brought me out here before. This was his pack’s domain; a place no human had ever trod yet here I was making myself comfortable in their comfort zone.

I turned my attention back to him and straightened when I saw him trotting over to me. When he was close enough he bent his legs and stretched out (as best a wolf could) and dropped his furry head into my lap.

My hand automatically rose and I ran my fingers through his fur which was coarse and tangled. His eyes fell closed as I continued to pat and rub, but unlike a dog he didn’t wag his tail or make satisfied whimpers. He just lay there looking relaxed with his eyes closed and his body still.

“It must be cool being a wolf.” I commented but he only cracked open an eye to look at me then closed it again when I didn’t say more.

“Jeez Thomas you’re quiet enough when you’re human don’t you think you should at least try to make up for it in your wolf form? Howl or something man.” I said again, shifting my legs in an attempt to dispel his obvious feeling of tranquility.

He let out a soft growl and I chuckled. “That was weak man.”

I was actually surprised at how much I liked it here. I wasn’t really into the whole ‘picnic scene’ I was more of a ‘get up and do something’ kind of guy but this was oddly relaxing, I wasn’t dying to be anywhere but here, I wasn’t fidgeting and wishing I could go play a video game or something and I guessed it all had to do with the person I was here with.

Ever since I’d started experiencing these feelings I found myself actually treasuring every moment I had with him and wishing for more and despite the predicament we found ourselves in I guess I should thank my lucky stars that the fates had been kind enough to bond me to him. He made me happy, what more could I ask for right?

But that question alone brought on thoughts I’d rather not deal with at the moment; thoughts like how it would be if we were to come out to everybody at school, how it would feel to walk down the halls hand in hand like so many other couples.

Thoughts like how it would be not to have to steal kisses behind closed doors but to just lay one on him for the world to see he was mine and I was his. Instead though, we had to deal with flirting teenage girls, homophobic friends and secrecy; secrecy that I was just about tired of.

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