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Vera had informed the wolves about the Cullens' plans for Bella early the morning after the wedding. Then she had spent the rest of the time hanging around the Cullens and Seth. Shopping in Port Angeles with Alice, allowing Emmett to teach her how to hunt a grizzly. While she didn't enjoy the grizzly's blood she had definitely enjoyed wrestling with the irritable bear. She had also forced Carlisle to teach her how to do stitches, it seemed amazing how he did them at the hospital. She enjoyed feeling like she was a human girl going to medical school or something. After she accidentally killed all of Esme's white roses by putting in some bug killer that was poisonous to them Esme had banned her from touching the garden. At the reservation she would shift and rough around with Seth at the beach, soaking both of their fur coats. Surprisingly, she had also come to better terms with Jacob. After Billy invited her to dinner and they had gotten to know each other a little bit, they were on whatever you would call slightly above tolerating each other.

Spending time in Forks was the best decision she had ever made. Although she missed Alec dearly, she loved the atmosphere the Cullens and the Quillettes had made in this small town. After spending an entire week there, she was at the airport with Alice and Jasper ready to board her flight back to Volterra, Italy.

"Thank you for coming. I can't wait to see you again." Alice threw her arms around Vera with a sad grin

"Me too Alice, I loved every second here." She said wrapping her arms around the tiny vampires waist.

"It was a pleasure" Jasper smiled as she shook his hand. Although she never really spent much time with Jasper he was always quite welcoming, a more quiet, taciturn version of Alice. They were the perfect match as Vera had come to realize over the week.

Smiling at the couple, she turned and boarded onto first class back to Italy.

She arrived back at the castle at 11pm, an hour before her deadline. One of the castle's human interns was carrying her bags up to her room while she went to the throne room to inform the masters of her return. She knocked on the door before entering.

Opening the doors, she was met with the three kings. They were speaking with Chelsea and Heidi when she entered.

"Vera!" Aro said excited "Welcome back. Tell me, what is the current state of Isabella Swan?"

"She is still human. The werewolves and the Cullens have some form of understanding, treaty. Under that, the Cullens aren't allowed to change anyone. So in order to appease the wolves they have decided not to change her quite yet. After Bella and Edward's honeymoon the Cullens will pack and leave Forks, one for the reason I just stated, and two to safeguard the small town in case of a rampant newborn." She explained, keeping her voice steady and her heart rate down. One thing she learned about Aro was that, unless you give him a reason not to, he'll stay out of your head.

"Hmm." Caius hummed, unimpressed "The Cullens keep pushing their timeline. Perhaps it's time to give them a reminder who they're dealing with."

"Calm, brother. What Vera said makes sense. They are to remain inconspicuous. A war with werewolves is the last thing we want, and suspicious humans are not too far above." Aro said holding out his hand to calm the blonde.

"Whatever." Caius rolled his eyes "Anything else you would like to tell us Vera?"

"That's it, masters." She said bowing her head slightly.

"In that case, you are dismissed." Caius said, his tone harsh.

"Thank you." She said before leaving the room to go find her mate.

She found him in the Alcove where they had spent their first night together. She ran up to him and hugged him from behind. He grinned at the feeling of her arms around him and her presence. Her scent filled his nostrils and he wrinkled his nose at it.

Turning around he lifted her chin to place a soft kiss on her lips.

"You've been hanging out with werewolves." He raised a brow. Although he could smell her orange blossom shampoo, the wet dog smell lingered. It was true, she had hung out with Seth one last time before she had left for the airport.

"Do I smell?" She asked. She never noticed any foul or repulsive scent from either werewolves or vampires like each claimed the other had.

"Like a chihuahua after spending an afternoon in a chlorine filled pool." Alec described the scent to her in a laughable way.

Pursing her lips she stepped out of his hold. Unbuttoning the designer blouse she wore until he could see her laced, red bra she smirked seductively "Guess I'll go shower then."

She walked down the hallway towards her room with Alec hot on her trail like a desperate puppy. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes in amusement at his eagerness she turned on the shower. While she unbuttoned the rest of the blouse Alec slammed and locked her bathroom door shut.

"You do not do that to me without consequences." He growled as he pulled her in by her waist roughly and mercilessly attacked her lips.

"I just did, so are you going to make good on your threat?" She said provocatively as he squeezed her breast and sucked on her neck. Her hand made its way down from his chest to his waist line. She stuck her fingers into his pants, and she kept them there, motionless, teasing him.

He groaned at her lack of movement and picked her up easily, placing her on the counter he ripped her pants, literally, right off. She then did the same to his trousers and navy blue sweater before he sheathed himself inside her. She moaned as he picked her up and walked to the shower.


"I've missed you, mi amour." He said stroking her wet hair as they laid on her bed, it had arrived and been set up while they were in Prague.

"I missed you too, Alec." She smiled as she wrapped her arm around his abdomen, moving her head from his shoulder to his chest.

"Tell me, what is it that you did whilst you were in Forks?" He asked

"I just hung out with everyone. Carlisle was super excited to see me, his wife, Esme too. The werewolves are livid that Bella is going to become a vampire. The one I hang out with, Seth he's very upset at the fact that Sam, the alpha is ready to drive the Cullens out of town. I hunted a grizzly bear too." She said, most of the time spent there she was just fooling around with Seth or Emmett or shopping or gardening or playing video games. There wasn't much to tell.

"You hunted a grizzly bear?" He asked amused. Out of everything, she thought he would ask about Bella, the werewolves, or Seth. She was surprised when he chose that topic to continue on about.

"Yeah, Emmett, one of the Cullens wanted to teach me how." She thought about how Emmett's baby face had lit up in joy when she agreed

"And how was that?" He was curious as to what she thought about hunting animals

"It was fun, the bear was angry and fighting it was the most amusing thing ever." She laughed as she remembered how the bear had angrily tried to claw her eyes out.

"Sounds like you had a good time." He smiled at the sound of her laughter. The heart that had become stone, figuratively and literally started to crack with her laughter and love.

"I did." She smiled as she pecked his lips. "But I think I prefer being with you more."

"Good." He said placing his lips gently on her forehead.

It had been a mere seven days back in Volterra when Vera received a distressed phone call from Carlisle.

"I don't know much, but from what my father told me my mother's pregnancy with me was just like a regular one, although it was very rough it didn't deviate too far from a normal, human pregnancy. Why are you asking? Carlisle what's wrong?" She asked getting more and more anxious each time he wouldn't answer that question as she had already asked twice.

"Bella is pregnant. She is pregnant and she is dying."

Irrevocably Yours [Alec Volturi]Where stories live. Discover now