3.3: EASE

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" Slow down! What happened?" Vera nearly yelled. She had been on the phone with Alice Cullen for nearly three minutes and the point had still not gotten across as Alice was in hysterics.

"Bella is dead, Jacob imprinted, everything is in shambles." Alice wailed

"What?!" Vera was yelling now

"The baby is here, but Bella is dead. Edward was too late. Jacob imprinted on Renessmee and the pack isn't allowed to harm her anymore." Alice said, her voice steadying slightly

"Bella is dead?" Vera whispered. She knew there was really no other outcome to expect but she could still feel her heart sinking and her stomach in her throat.

"Her heart is still beating, but not strong enough for any of us to determine whether or not the venom is working." Alice explained. That gave Vera a glimmer of hope. If there was a heartbeat there was a chance.

"Okay, that's good. How's the baby?" Vera asked curious about the half human half vampire offspring

"She's perfect, Bella named her Renessmee after Esme and her mother, Renee and her middle name is Carly after Carlisle." Alice smiled whilst explaining her niece's name and how it came to be.

"Thats beautiful." Vera too smiled at the name of the Cullens newest member. Looking up she saw Alec in the door way of their alcove, watching her smile at what Alec was saying on the phone. "I'll talk to you later Alice, call me if anything changes with Bella."

"Sure, bye Vera." Alice said, hanging up

Vera turned towards her mate and told him everything Alice had just told her. He was surprised to learn that Bella's heart still beat and that the child was healthy and seemingly normal. Maybe it would all work out, Bella would survive, the Cullens would keep the child hidden and the three kings would never find out about the existence of such a child until centuries later, that is if a half human could live centuries-he wasn't sure about the specifics like that.

"Does the child grow as rapidly out of the womb as it did in the womb?" He asked Vera, just as intrigued at the child as she was

"Huh, I actually don't know, I didn't think to ask. I will next time one of them calls." She stared out into the busy city of Volterra in the middle of the day. Everyone seemed so happy, the tourists in bucket hats and the locals walking hand in hand with each other, buying flowers and bread.

Alec stayed a little ways away from her, in the shadows just watching her. She seemed happier and more at peace than she had a couple weeks ago and he was incredibly grateful for her improvement mentally. However, now he was just as anxious as she was about the birth of the child and the werewolves and the Cullens. Before her, if he had found out about such a thing he wouldn't hesitate to eviscerate it along with anyone who protected it. Now, he found himself thinking constantly about the Cullens and even about the werewolves, all because Vera cared so deeply about both of them. She had changed him for the better, cracked the stone around his heart and filled it with unconditional love.

"Vera." He called out to her, gesturing for her to join him in the shadows.

"Yeah?" She asked looking up and walking over to him

Instead of responding her wrapped his arms around her and breathed in her flowery scent. He had memorized the rhythm of her heart beat and the steady beat of it lulled him to relaxation.

"Thank you." He said softly

"For what?" She asked curious as to what was bringing about so much soft affection from him.

"For accepting me as your mate, for coming with me back to Volterra even though your home was in Forks, for continuing to be with me." He said into her hair

"Your welcome. But I should be the one thanking you, for your patience with me, your seldom shown kindness to anyone but me, and your incessant need to protect me even though I don't need it." She smiled, remembering once when she was in the basement with Demetri and he had her pinned; his knees were on her chest, unrelenting. She was about to bring her arms to the tops of his knees and flip him over when Alec came storming in, and in a fit of fury had ripped off one of Demetri's arms.

"I know you do not need it, but I still have to do it, my mind won't be at ease if I do not protect the thing that matters most to me." He said, squeezing his arms a little tighter around her

She chuckled at his notable words. "No greater pleasure than having my honor defended by the infamous Alec Volturi."

He smirked at her words and brought his lips to hers. "We should inform Jane of this development, she's upset that she was kept in the dark for so long. I've never held secrets from her."

She scoffed lightheartedly at Jane's juvenile behavior. "Okay."

Soon an entire month had passed since Vera had been informed of the birth of Renessmee. Jane had taken everything surprisingly well, a little less upset at the fact that she was lying to her masters continually. Three days after Carlisle had called her to tell her that Bella did indeed make it as a newborn vampire. The Cullens had also decided to stay in Forks longer, for Bella wanted to be near her dad and Jacob wanted to be near his imprintee. She had gotten the answer that Alec had asked and she wondered if Renessmee would be dead at the age of 15 with the way she was growing and developing.

She had spent the entire month with Alec and Jane. Surprisingly, with everything that went on, she had built somewhat of a relationship with Jane. While she had only hung out with Jane once without Alec present the two of them had a peculiar dynamic with each other that no one else could quite understand.

At night the three of them, or just her and Alec, would go out into this bar/nightclub right on the outskirts of Florence and play around with the humans. Alec particularly liked the game where Vera would flirt with the biggest, scariest looking dude in the bar and Alec would play the jealous boyfriend. He found it especially comical when the dude would always stand up, chest puffed with the intention to intimidate Alec, for they were always too infatuated with Vera to notice the danger Alec posed. Sadistically similar to Alec, Jane most enjoyed picking a fight with any big, drunk guy at the bar. She enjoyed breaking their hands and watching them run away with their tail tucked between their legs. Vera just enjoyed seeing how much free drinks she could get the bartender to give her, so far her record was 23 in a night.

It was around 5:30 am. The three of them had just gotten out of the bar they went to constantly, laughing about how the bartender had gotten his ass handed to him by the manager and how one of the guys had actually called the police on Jane. It was then that Vera had gotten the call.

"Edward?" She picked up, confused, he seldom ever called her. It was always Carlisle, or Alice, or Esme

"Vera! We need your help, they're coming for us, all of them." He said, frantic. His cryptic words made no sense to Vera who was still a little high on laughter

"What the hell are you talking about?" She asked, glancing at Jane and Alec who had stopped laughing to listen on their conversation

"Irina, she misunderstood. She went to Aro and now they're all coming for us."

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