6: Trying

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January 7th, 10:43 AM. Location: Bakugou's Apartment. 

After the breakup, nearly 5 months had passed without the boys seeing each other. Izuku had moved out of their apartment within a few minutes, the omega not being able to live with his alpha any longer...

"Jesus Christ... Why can't anybody leave me alone on my damn off-days?!" Katsuki groaned, standing up and walking towards the door, where a knock had just occured. 

He opened the door, only to see his ex-omega, standing in the doorway. 


The nickname, coming out of the greenette's mouth, in such a sweet tone, drove Katsuki crazy. It was so irresistable. "Can we talk?" The boy asked. 

Bakugou nodded and let him in, only to then eye him from head to toe. His soft, curly green hair, his freckles, his eyes, his smile. His smell, his-

The blonde's eyes stopped at the bloated tummy. 

"I think it's pretty clear... I didn't go through with the abortion thingy. I'm sorry about the whole fight. I came to the realisation that you were right. I was being selfish. I was thinking of my feelings and my feelings only. I never thought of how you were feeling. After I left, I talked a lot to my mom. She managed to teach me more about babies, and how it could actually bring something good in our lives. So... I guess... I'm here because I wanted to ask you..." Izuku turned around to his shocked ex-alpha.

"Will you please give us another chance?" He asked.

Katsuki looked down to Midoriya's abdomen. 

"Did you get any sonograms?" He asked. 

Izuku shook his head. "I didn't get any sonograms, and I didn't get the gender revealed. Nothing big really happened. I never felt it kick yet, or move. I didn't want to go through any big milestones without my baby's father. And... Well, all I did was go to my monthly check-up with the doctor. That's it." Izuku said, smiling softly.

The alpha looked down, smiling at the belly. He made a few steps closer, wrapping his arms around his omega. The one he missed so much. "I'm sorry we broke up. I never meant to hurt you." Bakugou whispered, as Izuku hugged him back, inhaling his scent. 

"No worries..." Izuku smiled softly once more. "I missed you... I love you, Kacchan." he mumbled, stuffing his face in the blonde's chest. 

"And I love you too. The both of you." Katsuki said, rubbing his hands along the showing stomach. 

Midoriya smiled. He was back together with his alpha, about to have a baby. This was all going to work out. It had to. He had made a decision, and that was it. No take-backs. If this went south, Midoriya didn't know if he could even forgive himself...

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