Chapter 20

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Xander Pov

I was expecting her to shout at me or maybe throw me out of her hospital or call the villagers to beat the shit out of me but what she did was unexpected.

"Xander, you have lost weight!"

She looked surprised, excited and happy to see me. Instead of kicking me out she welcomed me inside. And I was tongue tied.

I had no idea what to do. I had decided to beg for her forgiveness the moment she decides to kick me out but now I had no idea how to react.

She looked normal seeing me. Like she harboured no ill feelings for me.

She didn't change at all. She looked as beautiful as well.

Except her eyes.

They no longer potrayed any emotion. She had learnt to mask them well. She had successfully built walls around her heart. She was heartbroken but pretended to be strong and normal.

My Sophie was much more stronger than I was.


My voice cracked. And for a split second I saw hurt in her eyes. She was in pain. But quickly masked it again.

"Xander, please have a seat. How are you here? Can I get you anything to drink?"

I again felt like crying now. I didn't want her to treat me like long lost friends. It hurted me more.

"Sophie, you do no why am I here."

Her smile disappeared. And then I saw all the emotions swirling in her eyes. Most dominant of it being pain.

But she quickly masked it again.

"I will get you coffee. If you still love it like you did before. The coffee here isn't awesome but its bearable."

"I still love everything I did before. My love for anything hasn't changed Sophie."

"People change and so does their choice Xander. I will get your coffee."

"My choice hasn't Sophie."

"But my choice did. I don't drink tea anymore. In case you remember I once loved tea and hated coffee. I am now literally living off caffeine."

I had no idea what to say now. I wanted to just go and hug her but I couldn't muster enough courage.

But then I decided its now or never. So I just went up and though there were a lot of people in the corridor I hugged her and kissed her passionately.

And for the first time she did something I expected. She pushed me away.

"Don't Xander"

She was close to breaking down. I still affected her just like the way she affected me. She wasn't ready to accept it but I did. I didn't regret it. Even if it was for a split second, I did get my peace back.

"Sophie, is this man harassing you?"

One of the person standing in the crowd asked and they started forming a circle around me. I knew where this was going and she did too.

But the way he said her name. I did not like it at all.

I wanted to see how much she cares. My bodyguards were about to jump in but I motioned them to stay away.

"No, its fine Oliver."

Then the other man spoke who looked to be around my father's age.

"You are like my daughter Sophie. If this man is harassing you we will not let him live."

A look of horror crossed her features and I smiled. She did care about me.

Had it been anyone else she would have reacted in the same manner.

Stupid conscience. Won't let me be happy even for a second.

As the man lunged towards me my Sophie did the unexpected. She came forward, shielded me and shouted.

"He is my husband."

Everyone was shocked, stunned, young boys disappointed, betrayed and me?

I was grinning from ear to ear like a little boy who just got to know that Harry Potter will gift me his wand.

And taking advantage of the situation I went besides her, wrapped my arms possessively around her waist, pulled her closed and then planting a kiss on her forehead where my lips lingered more than neccessary, I looked forward.

"She is my wife. And she loves me a lot. Don't you baby?"

If looks could kill I would already be six feet under. Gritting her teeth she dug her nails on my back and then giving everyone her fakest smile and accidently stepping on my toes with her heels she said.

"Ofcourse, I do. Shall we go inside Xander. We. Need. To. Talk."

But I was enjoying the show more than I should.

Hate is a very strong word. It does more harm to us than the person to whom it is directed to. Carrying a grudge is worst then carrying M-67. You can't even throw it to the other party and will end up blasting yourself. Grudge is also one of the major reason for cancer. So try living without any grudges and try to forgive people and seek their forgiveness.

~Trust Me ~ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu