Ch 1: Travelling Above The Clouds

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Robin POV

It was strange walking around this city that seemed so similar yet so new. With my hands in my pocket I watch the buildings pass me by with little to no interest in exploring.

The people around did take notice of the boy wearing a scarf in the middle of summer. Luckily, none of them said anything about it, they just gave me strange looks, which were easy to ignore as I continued to walk.

Despite it being a hot summer day for others, I felt perfectly fine because of the scarf I wore. Another ability my scarf has is it can regulate my temperature to some degree. Allowing me to wear it in most climates.

I had a goal that I planned on accomplishing, no time to waste. I head directly to a bus stop. I've never been in this city but my body has, finding my way around felt like second nature. I make it to a bus stop and sit on the bench. The few people around also give me a strange look, probably because of my scarf.

The bus arrives and the door opens and I'm the first one through. This world has digital money on cards but it also uses bills and coins. I pull out my wallet and pay what I owe then start walking to my seat.

Bus driver: "Erm, are you lost kid?" He asks as I pass by.

I don't bother turning to him.

Robin: "Not at all sir." Is all I say and I take a seat.

He doesn't comment any further and the ride goes smoothly. I stare at through the window and watch each building pass by in a blur.

Time skip brought to by chibi Robin curiously poking his own face

After a hour or so of passing buildings and curious looks from the occasional bus passenger, I finally arrive at my destination. An airship port.

The female protagonist's village was on a floating island that was some ways away. The only way to move from island to island is with a airship. But the big ships don't normally go to small places like a village, so I'd have to hire a private pilot.

The port itself was huge, but I needed to enter the building and find someone looking for a employer. The building was just a hub for pilots. My age might be a problem but everyone has a price.

The building reminded me of an isekai guild tavern. It had people standing around or eating at a table being, everyone seemed very casual and the atmosphere was relaxed.

It was hard to spot a person who wasn't haggling with another for a better flight price. Even when I did get a chance to talk to someone they'd all just brush me off for being a kid.

After a while I finally spot a rough looking man that everyone seemed to be avoiding. Lucky for me, I make my way over to him.

I'm fairly short for a thirteen year old standing at 5'1 and he's at least 6'5 so I'm forced to crane my neck upwards to speak.

Robin: "Excuse me sir."

The man with a scar across his face looked down to me and gave me a intimidating glare. He brushes his dark brown hair out of his face as he addresses me.

???: "The hell is a kid like you doing here?" He asks gruffly.

I am unaffected by his menacing gaze and look at him with my unchanging blank face. He raises a brow like my reaction was unexpected.

Robin: "I am looking for a pilot, name your price." I speak bluntly.

He's even more surprised by my sudden request.

???: "Haven't your parents taught you about stranger danger kid?" He asks as if trying to intimidate me.

Robin: "They are dead, now please tell me your price." I say in an even voice.

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