Ch 2: An Unexpected Encounter

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??? POV

???: "Kyaaaaa! Help me!"

I scream for help but I'm scared help would never come. I knew that it would be dangerous but I wanted save my dad. I needed to come to the forest.

Why did it have to be my dad that got sick. Why not anyone else? Now we were both going to die.

No! I couldn't give up now.

Goblin 1: "Gra ha ha!"

Goblin 2: "Get er!"

Goblin 3: "Come on and play with us!"

Goblin 4: "*Incoherent screeching*"

But what am I supposed to do against a group of goblins! I was getting tired, I couldn't keep running.

I've never used a sword before but there's no time like the present. I draw my sword and stand my ground.

All of my resolve disappears when I see the four terrifying creatures called goblins. They had green skin and beady red eyes. They were slightly smaller than me but they terrified me all the same.

I hold dad's sword in front of me with shaky arms and trembling legs. The first goblin jumps at me. I'm sorry dad, but I'll be seeing mom first.

*Bang Bang!*

Blood flies out of the side of the goblins head and it launches to the side, falling to the ground dead.

Me and the other goblins turn to see where the shots came from. Six meters away from us, beside one of the many trees stands a boy my age wearing a teal scarf and casual clothes holding a small gun.

Boy: "Over here." He says flatly.

The three goblins look to each other, nod, and split up. One runs to me, another runs to the boy and the other just runs off.

Seeing that my cry for help was heard my resolve to live returns. I'm still shaking but not as much.

I've seen dad swing a sword before but I've never tried to myself. I tighten my two-handed grip on my sword and the goblin prepares to jump at me but...


Another shot rings out and the goblin freezes for a moment thinking it got shot. It didn't, but I break out of my frozen state first and thrust my sword at the creature with a yell.

Goblin: "Gaaaaah!"

The monster lets out a agonizing scream as my sword finds its place in the creature's chest. It falls to the ground still screaming while holding its wounds.

I hold my sword over the goblin and plunge it down on its skull. My sword hits its mark and the goblin twitches a few times before it flops down dead.

I was breathing hard and the adrenaline started wearing off. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I let out a scream while turning around with my sword pointed to the owner of the hand.

It was the red haired boy with the scarf, he had one hand up and his other hand in his pockets. He looks at me, then the sword, then back to me completely unfazed.

Boy: "Are you all right?" He asks in the same flat voice as earlier.

???: "Yea- Behind You!" I yell and point at the goblin that had jumped in the air above him.

He doesn't turn around or move his hands when one end of his scarf suddenly twirls into a spike, impaling the goblin's throat.

He turns around once the goblins body hits the ground. Then he looks back at me without his facial expression ever changing.

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