30. Goodnight

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Chapter 30: Goodnight.

After spending the majority of their day with their new acquired pets, the Dark Warlock reopens the portal, sending the creatures from whatever hell they came from.

"Chop, chop, time to clean up your mess." He gives the three of the sulking males a dirty look, which seemed very motivating for them.

"How is that our fault??" London is the first one to complain as they start to push the torn sofa to the wall.

"If you weren't such an incapable twat, we wouldn't be cleaning up this mess right now." The warlock rolls his eyes as he stands behind the counter that separates his kitchen from the living room where he can oversee their work.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" London dramatically drops the sofa he was carrying, facing the arrogant man with a snarl.

"I'm sorry that I've spent my entire life, thinking I was some petty orphan who got abandoned by his parents and built my whole personality on that, I'm also sorry that I didn't know I could do spells because I didn't grow up in a fancy mansion where my parents hired the most powerful mages to teach me some posh Harry Potter tricks, oh... and oh yeah... I'm also sorry my husband, whom I loved and cherished more than anything in this world, knew about it and decided that I wasn't worthy enough to know my own goddamn heritage, but you know what I'm not sorry for?" The hybrid was exploding at the warlock by that point, his face red from screaming at the prick who dared to set off the mountains of emotions he was trying to cancel behind other issues.

"I'm not sorry for feeling the way I do, I'm not sorry for being mad, I'm not sorry for fucking up constantly when everyone sits on their high chairs to criticize instead of trying to actually help. So fuck you, fuck your brother and fuck me for even trying to step up to your almighty level."

The urge to cry was present in London's voice as it cracked by the end of his speech. Milo and Toby had stopped cleaning long ago to observe him with gaping mouths as he exploded, and as he stormed off the apartment, slamming the door shut behind him, Toby dropped the broom that was in his hand, meaning to follow him but got stopped by Malcolm.

"I'll talk to him." Malcolm looks into Toby's eyes while he puts his hand on his shoulder and giving him a nod. "I've got this."

Toby nods with tears threatening to spill down his cheeks, he sniffles them as Malcolm leaves and soon, Milo's hand is on his back, caressing it gently in circular motions.

"He will be okay, Malcolm can handle him." Milo tries to comfort his light fae mate by pulling him to sit down on the sofa.

"I've never seen him like this Milo..." Toby expresses his worry while making eye contact with the human for the first time since London stormed off.

"He is going through a lot, more than any of us, it's normal for him to get emotional." Milo continues to rub down Toby's back who proceeds to lay his head on his lap.

"This whole fight with our husbands has to end, London needs all of us by his side more than ever..." Toby sighs as he stares at the wall in front of him.

"You are right," Milo is silent for a moment as he plays with Toby's hair to calm him down. "I meant to ask you something.... It's kind of personal." Milo speaks after a while.

"Anything baby," Toby looks up at the boy playing with his head and takes his hand to kiss it.

"How did London become part of your relationship?" Milo's voices comes out as shy and delicate at his question, he hated preying on other people's business but he knew that Arrow and Toby were together since forever, before his parents forced him into marrying Victor for status and eventually, Victor accepted Arrow and loved him as well.

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