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Amelia's (MOM) pov

When Leonardo came and told us that our little babygirl was coming home again, Happy was very little word.I was beyond happy and excited!
How much i missed her, i missed her childhood, her first day of school, her first tooth falling and many more.
If that bitch Elena was alive i would have killed her with my own hands but i restrained myself and let myself calm down because SHE IS DEAD!
My other sons were also to happy to welcome back their little sister but grayson is showing this cold behaviour because he is afraid to loose her neither of us want leave her again but I have this feeling where i feel that something is bothering my little girl! Like something which is eating up her alive? When today we spent the day, i was happiest because today i got to explore the day which i have been dreading for years.
Welcome home little Klara.

Grayson De Luca's pov
(You are welcome🤭)

I know what are you thinking. Why i am being so mean, harsh towards klara. I want to go hug her, comfort her, protect her but i am afraid that if i do i will loose her again. It took me months to finally be myself, for being Grayson again. I was five or six when that elena took her away , klara and i were pretty close we always used to play games, dance , eat and all.


"Yes little klara" my little sister has been so sweet to me ever since she has been born, she is so tiny and pretty and has wrapped everyone around her finger and doesn't even realise.
"Can u give me pa-paint?"
"Of course princess"  i cooed her in baby voice.
We spent whole day painting and drew so many things, by the end of the day we were both covered in paint .
Mom dad and brothers were in the meeting and me and klara were with our nanny, the nanny was sleepy that she always used to sleep.
" ray look here" i looked at her and she threw paint on me.
"Ah you little monster" i too started throwing paint , we both had a paint fight.

Shit! Our father and mother were standing at the door and we both froze at our position.
" papaaa" klara ran and went to mummy and papa .
"Wait princess first we have to clean you up then we will play okay?" Dad said

Believe me it was best day of my life.

Klara's PoV

Isn't it strange like when you feel so good and guilt about something?
I know that feeling, the guilt of keeping my beatings,scars,brusies is killing me.
I wanna tell my mom and dad , i want to scream at them for leaving me, i want to ask why they never found me, i want to know what is my fault ? Maybe elena was right i am nothing but worthless girl.
Its been a long time since i called sarah, so i decided to check up on her.

(S-sarah, K-klara)



K- jeez! Dont shout i am here!

S- Now explain! I literally went to full baboon rampage! I went to your house and you weren't there, i went to your neighbor's house and you weren't there too, so where are you?

K- Would you let me explain? First of all that elena and john are dead, it turns our that they kidnapped me and right now i am in freaking ITALY LIVING IN A FREAKING CASTLE.

S- what the actual hell!!!! England to Italy. Oh my god you have gotta be kidding me. How are your parents? Do you have siblings?

K- My parents are literally the best they are nothing as compared to John and elena ! And guess what ?


K- why do you include him everytime?
No, i didn't met him, but I HAVE FREAKING SIX ELDER BROTHERS!

S- Holy shit! Are they hot?

K-seriously? Like seriously?

S- kidding, now gotta go we will talk later biee

K-biee bitch

With that we hung up.
Sarah and i have been friends since ages , we both were first nerds so nobody liked to talk to us, then we both became friends then became more close at football practices then we were literally besties.

"Klara come on downstairs its dinner time" my mom shouted and i went downstairs.

Everyone were seated except me so i quickly took my place and started eating.

"Klara we have decided to homeschool you because of something and your aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa and cousins are going to come tomorrow to meet you okay?" Dad said from the head table.

"Homeschool why dad?" I whined

"Klara we dont permanently stay here, its just hometown , we all will go to America in few days then you are going to be enrolled at the private school same as twins and grayson okay?"

" okay dad, and how many girl cousins do i have?" I asked  to which everyone just chuckled.

" oh dear, you are the only girl so best of luck" Mario said in between in his laughters.

Well my new life is getting more exciting day by day.

Only if she knew how much worth her life is.

Hi guys !!!!
Here is next chapter.
I know this chapter is kinda boring but believe me the chapters will get more and more interesting day by day.
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