The Cabin

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I woke up as we were driving through a forest. I looked out the window and tried to work out where we were but it was too dark to see anything other than trees.

Wait, it was dark? When we left it was close to mid day, how long was I asleep for?

Ignoring the horrible pins and needles in my arm from leaning on it for so long, I carefully readjusted myself so I was sitting up normally. Lucifer then glanced at me realising I had woken up and he smiled at me. Still groggy from just waking up I smiled back without thinking.

"Hey sweetheart, we are nearly there now, its just another 5 minutes or so okay?" He announced while reaching over and stroking my knee.

I had to fight the urge to push his hand of my leg because I didn't want to annoy him. Wherever we were going was clearly going to be isolated so God knows what he would do to me when we get there. I shivered at the thought. He was still looking at me and I realised he still wanted me to respond so I quickly nodded my head to show I understood what he said. He then turned back to the road and thankfully removed his hand from my knee. I let out a sigh of relief but instantly regretted it as I realised he probably heard it. 

Soon, we came to a secluded cabin in the middle of the woods. It was made with huge wooden panels and it looked like it had 2 floors. For a cabin, it was surprisingly big. It had a huge oak door that seemed quite heavy so if I was going to escape that could make it difficult. There was a small garage next to it on the right which Lucifer drove into and parked in

"Here we are, home sweet home" He announced seeming excited for whatever he had planned with me.

He got out of the car and  came round to get me out but as I watched him get out I began to panic. I had no clue what he wanted to do with me, we were literally in the middle of nowhere where no one would even hear me scream. He opened my door and held his hand out for me to take so he could help me out. I did not take his hand, instead I carefully got out the car, by myself, then bolted into the forest as fast as I could.

I have no idea what I was thinking, I just had an overwhelming fear something bad was going to happen and I had to get away as soon as possible. The issue was I did not think it through at all. I had no clue where I was, it was night so no one was likely to be around, and there was no way I would have ever been able to outrun Lucifer in the state I was in. 

Still, I kept running as fast as I could praying for some sort of miracle to help me get away. Then I heard his voice.

"I thought you were smarter than that, Skylar."

Now terrified, I carried on running further into the forest.

"You really think you can get away from me that easily?" He chuckled

I kept running.

Suddenly, there was a loud shot and I felt an immense pain in my left leg causing me to collapse head first onto the floor. I turned onto my back to see Lucifer walking towards me. I frantically started pushing myself backwards away from him until my back hit a tree.

He slowly strode towards me while I closed my eyes trying to prepare myself for what would come next. He knelt down next to me so I could feel his breath on my face

"You are mine, Skylar, and you are never going to get away from me, ever. The quicker you learn that the easier it will be for you." He whispered in my ear.

I was petrified.

He shifted so suddenly he was on top of me.

"I let you of the first time you tried this, because I gave you the benefit of the doubt, however this time you won't be so lucky." he said, before moving his knee on top of my injured leg and pressing down. I let out a whimper of pain, which he ignored.

"Let this be a warning of what will happen if you ever try to go against me again" and with that he picked me up and carried me bridal style back to the lodge. I then felt a sharp pinch in my neck, and that's all I remember before it all went black.

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