Settling in

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He had left me in that room for a long time before he came back. I think it must have been a few hours but I wasn't really keeping track of the time. I spent the time while he was gone trying to plan an escape and attempting to regain my strength. I tried walking but my leg was still in immense pain when I tried to put my weight on it so I couldn't do more than push myself along by resting my weight on things like the bed or the side cabinet.

So running away was out.

The only other thing I could do was keep playing along and hope Lucifer eventually gives me enough freedom that I can take advantage of.

I groaned as I nearly fell for the tenth time and eventually gave up and went back to the bed. With no energy to do much more my mind drifted back to my home. I started to imagine I was back there and this had never happened. I would have graduated from university by the end of this year and then I would be able to quit the job at the cafe and get an actual job as a pharmacist. Noelle would be a lawyer and I knew she would be amazing. Hopefully we would still be living together because I couldn't stand to lose her, ever. That thought helped fuel my resolve to escape and get away from Lucifer, no matter what it took.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep dreaming about what could have happened had Lucifer not existed. It was the best sleep I'd had in ages, until I heard footsteps and jolted awake. Making sure not to trouble my leg too much, I carefully sat myself up and waited in dread for Lucifer to come in. I watched the lock on the door click before he pushed the door open. I took a deep breath praying to god that I didn't say the wrong thing and annoy him because I couldn't handle another punishment.

He walked in holding a first aid kit and some snacks smiling warmly at me.

Didn't he just lock me in a cellar and leave me there for a week? Why on Earth was he suddenly smiling now?

"Hey sweetheart, you feeling better?" He cheered.

Still confused as to why he was suddenly trying to help, I responded "yeah I'm fine" staring at him the whole time trying to work out why he was acting so different to before.

He then came closer and asked me to show him my leg so he could have a look at it. Cautiously, I obeyed and watched as he took some bandages and solutions out of the first aid kit and gently began treating my wound. I didn't dare to speak during any of this because I still wasn't sure why he was being so nice or whether it could change at any moment.

"There we go all done" he exclaimed once he was done rebandaging it.

I smiled and cautiously moved my leg back under the covers of the bed.

"Now that you are all settled, how about we go downstairs and watch a film? I brought snacks." He announced holding up the bag of snacks he had brought. I agreed unsure if I could even have said no and he carried me bridal style again downstairs to what I assumed was the living room. There was a purple sofa up against one wall facing a huge flatscreen TV on rye opposite wall. He placed me down on the sofa so I was sitting up and he sat next to me with one arm wrapped around me.

I tried to hide how uncomfortable I felt deciding that maybe if I played along and pretended I enjoyed this he would begin to trust me a bit more. He scrolled through a few different movies but eventually settled on fast and furious.

"Now, before we start this movie, I think we should make some ground rules so I don't have to punish you again." He declared in a more serious tone.

I nodded and tensed up as he turned to face me grabbing both of my hands as he did so.

"First of all, you don't ever disrespect me in any way understood?"

"Yes I understand" I replied.

"Good. Second of all you always obey me and you must do whatever I tell you to no questions asked ok?"

I nodded and he carried on.

"And lastly you must never try to escape me like you tried to before. You will never actually succeed and if you do I will always find you and this will be much worse for you do you understand me?"

"Yes I understand I won't try to run away again, I promise."

"Good now repeat the rules to me so I know you understand."

"I won't disobey you, I won't disrespect you and I won't try to run away" I answered, not meaning any of it.

"Very good" he remarked as he went back to sitting next to me and wrapped his arm tightly around me.

I slowly leaned in closer to him resting my head on his chest. I saw him smile in the corner of my eye, probably thinking I had finally settled in.

Well he would be in for a treat, I would never get used to a life with him and I would do everything I could to get out as long as I lived.


Hey sorry for taking so long to update I've been on holiday the last week so I haven't really had time😂

Anyways I'm back now and will hopefully be back to pretty much regular updating so let me know what you think in the comments and done forget to vote if u like the book so far👍

His obsessionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora