When he thinks you're cheating (Steven)

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It was nearly nine in the evening, and you were alone in your dorm, studying. The others had gone to the study group but you actually didn't like it that much, it was always quite noisy over there and you simply couldn't focus.

You grabbed your head between your hands and sighed, exasperated. No matter how hard and how many times you'd tried differently, you were clueless as to how to solve this math problem. Your boyfriend Steven would've probably helped you, but he was at the study group and apparently in a bad mood. You'd tried talking to him earlier at dinner but he'd simply glared at you, signifying clearly that he needed some alone time.

You scribbled across the paper and threw it away, before tearing out a new page from your notebook. You had to turn this in for tomorrow and panic was starting to take over - how could you not be able to do this? You were perfectly capable of it, yet something was glitching.


You jumped and spun around on your chair.

"Oh, Steven, it's you..." A wave of relief submerged you and you internally slapped yourself for acting so silly.

"We need to talk."

His serious tone and his closed face made it clear that it was something urgent.

"Oh.... sure. Here, sit down."

He took place on the bed.

"Is something wrong?" you started, but he held up his hand, signaling for you to stop.

"I've been thinking about it all day," Steven said, his eyebrows furrowed, "and I've been thinking about it thoroughly." Although he appeared calmed and composed, you could hear his breathing choking a little, and he obviously was having a hard time letting the words out of his mouth.

He stopped, seeming to search for what to say - or how to say it.

"What is it about?" you asked softly. "Did something happen?"

"It's about you. You and Evan."


Steven looked at you as if you were the dumbest person in the entire world.

"What's the matter?" Your tone grew angrier. It was like he just expected you to read his thoughts and tell him what he was thinking! Not only that, but you knew he was about to start trash talking Evan again. "What do you have against him?"

"Me? Nothing!" Steven raised his hands up in the air, as if to show himself innocent. "I think that you, on the other hand, have to stop pretending he's your best friend when I'm around and then throw yourself in his arms when I'm not watching!"

"Meeks, what the fuck are you talking about?" you nearly screamed, standing up from your chair so brutally that it fell backwards. "Are you implying that I'm cheating on you?"

"Wow, you finally got it, Y/N!"

"Well, you're totally wrong on that! Evan and I are best friends and that's where it stops!"

"Yeah, right - "

"Oh hell no!" You marched up to him and his eyes widened. "Don't you dare yeah right me!" you spit out. "I've had enough of you! Every time I spend time with Evan you give me a disapproving look like I'm hiding something from you, but don't you think that at this point I would've broken up with you if I really wanted to go with him?"

You death-glared down at him, and Steven looked away, obviously embarrassed.

"There," you said, turning your back on him. "Are you happy now? Do I need to break up with you?"


He grabbed your wrist from behind, but you pulled away.

"Don't you dare speak to me again unless it's to apologize," you lashed out, before furiously stomping out of the dorm.

Thank you SO MUCH for 1k reads on this book!  <3

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