Chapter 8: That special Sycamore tree & The royal sleepover

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Sofia POV

"Shut up Ben." Hugo said.

It was just a normal day with my CSS group i guess.

"Admit it Hugo. You like Sofia." Ben teased.

"Yes as a friend." Hugo said.

"Guys stop it. Its annoying. Hu and Pris, were all meeting at Pris's place?" I said.

"Yup i have to go home and change first." Hugo said.

"Okay see you guys at my place" Priscilla said.

We all disbanded and got into our carriages.

I got home wanting to change and eat before i go.

I went to my room and started picking out an outfit.

Amber then barged into my room and gave me and excited squeal.

"Today is the day Sofia." Amber said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"The royal sleepover." Amber said changing her expression

Shoot i forgot about that.

"Yea i remembered but i got to go to Priscilla's castle for a project." I said.

"Fine be here at 7p.m. Sharp" Amber said seriously.

"I am inviting our close friends and the finest royals. Dont make me disappointed. Kay?" Amber said.

"I will." I said.

I found the perfect outfit

I ran downstairs to the kitchen and asked Chef Andre for some packed food so i can eat it on the go.

He handed me a lunch bag filled with a burger and some fries.

He handed me a lunch bag filled with a burger and some fries

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Sofia Outfit.

I ran to the coach and told the coachman to go to the kingdom of goodwill.

When i got there Priscilla was there talking to Hugo.

"Lets go Guys." Priscilla said.

We entered the Castle, it was huge.

We went to Priscilla's room and started working.

After about half an hour of doing the boring stuff.

We decided to explore Priscilla's enchanted garden.

"It is my favorite place here, i can just be free and be myself." Priscilla said as she started twirling and dancing  around

She went near a bush and took out a boombox

She played a song that i used to love

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