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Rick POV

We walked through the park to the south side of it. There was a small pond there the picnic was, I'm so happy that Connie, Guy and Julie wanted to help with it. The morning before we had walked to the store to buy everything needed and we baked everything.

Right when we came there was ducks in front of us in the water and two swans. So cute.

"Oh my god. This is so pretty!" Y/N said

"Anything for you princess"

I sat down but Y/N took up her phone and started to taking pictures. I stood up and walked behind her to see how the pictures looked like.

"So princess what's the favorite pictures" I said as she was done

"Let me look" she said and looked at all pictures

"This one!" She said as she was done

"This one!" She said as she was done

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"It's perfect" I said

The picture, the swans making a heart shape, made it all better. Just like they did it on purpose for us.

"I'm so gonna send this to the ducks" she said with a smile

"And I to the team" I said looking at her

And then she just kissed me on my cheek and then she sat down. Wow- didn't know that would happen.

While thinking of it we sat down and started talking about random things. A little about how we would beat some other school hockey team and to get better. I couldn't remember much of what happened, I couldn't just stop thinking about Y/N.

She was mine. And I were her's. The prettiest and funniest girl in school that everyone likes me. And she loves hockey. A model liked me. How is that possible? Me, a tall hockey player with sometimes a shitty personality. Together with her. And then I just said it while she was sitting right in front of me

"I love you princess"

I said it. Shit. Well I said it so quickly and quiet that I think she didn't hear me but then, she just looked at me with the sweetest smile. And then she stood up, I did to.

"Awwww Ricky, I love you too" she said and got closer to me

Then she took he hands around my neck while playing with my hair and my hand were hugging her waist. She was on her tippy toes while our forehead were touching as I took my head down towards her. After some time that felt like hours I kissed her. Just a quick kiss and then she pulled away and sat down. When I sat down she came closer to me and put her head on my shoulder while her eyes were gazing towards the lake. And I put my head on hers.

She's so, ugh I can't explain it. I may sound cringe or weird but I love this girl. I've never felt something like this towards someone. Ever. I wish she knew how perfect she is. I remind her almost everyday, the whole team do and she just says "no guys, you just say it to make me feel better/happy" GIRL- she doesn't understand, the day she came into the school everyone talked about how gorgeous she was. Everyone loved her, girls were jealous, Mindy and Linda for example. But Mindys with Luis and Linda with Charlie now. There still jealous of Y/N. About what exactly? Well everything. When I see her I just light up, like all my problems just flow away. There gone. The most people say that, she's just the light in the school, everyone loves her, people are so jealous they would cut people off to be her. And the most single guys like her. She may not realize it but they do. And it makes me angry but I'm happy that I'm with her. That she actually liked me. Like wow. I'm lucky to have her. I really hope she would understand this.

So yeah guys, my WiFi works at like midnight- but my semesters good so far. (I know no one asked but still) but when I'm home again with good WiFi I will try to post so much as possible, as I do now. I will try to post so much as I used to. Until school comes. My grades will actually start to be important and my parents don't allow under C. Strict parents, yes. But not that strict. Luckily. But imma post more soon I promise :)

My Varsity boy [Y/N x Rick Riley]Where stories live. Discover now