"But Miss!"

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Walking into school, Amanda unrolls her school skirt, as she spots mrs Bentley, knowing she's already on two behaviour points and one more will lead to a detention. She strolls past the suspicious teacher as confidently as she can hoping Mrs Bentley won't also notice her excessive amount of jewellery accompanying her uniform.
"Miss Stewart" Mrs Bentley calls
"Yes miss"
"Is that a necklace I see? And a bracelet? Oh and I can see those rings!" She questions, voice getting higher in annoyance.
"Maybe" replies the now irritated Amanda
"I would have let you of it it was just the necklace Amanda, but I'm afraid that's a behaviour point." Mrs Bentley states
"But miss!"wines Amanda, now even more frustrated than before
"Don't talk back to me young lady! Now got to your dorm room before your late for registration, and take of your accessories, I don't want to see them again other wise you can spend your lunch time with me." Mrs Bentley rants
Amanda just replied with an eye roll which she should not have done
"Excuse me did I just witness an eye roll?" Mrs Bentley asks
Amanda didn't reply as she thought answering truthfully would probably come of as rude.
"You know what just go. I can't be bothered to waste my time talking to you."
"You think I enjoy talking to you?" Amanda mumbles as she walks of to her form.

After a long double history lesson, the clock that had been in Amanda's view for the majority of the lesson finally stroked 3:40 and she begins to gather her stuff. Leaving the room she decides on whether to get the bus home or go out with one of her friends to buy an ice cream. Her parents did tell her to try and not to be home until at least 7:00 because they weren't going to be in and they didn't like her being home alone, but she was tired and just wanted to go home and get into bed.

Getting of the bus she heard some year 10 and 11 boys whistle form the top of the bus due to what she presumed was because of the rolling of her skirt being a little to high, she rolled her eyes and flipped them of as the bus began to leave the side of the road.

Walking home she skipped the song that was playing on her playlist, watermelon sugar, she loved Harry styles song but theirs always one or two songs by every artist that become to mainstream it just doesn't sound good anymore.

As she rounded the corner onto her road she saw a black van parked in her driveway that she didn't recognise. Now Amanda didn't like to call her self rich but she was, she lives in a big 4 story house with 11 bedrooms, with only 4 of them occupied. And being born in a wealthy family, her parents always took extra percussion, getting to know every neighbour on their road, which also meant she knew what cars belonged to who, and seeing this black van she had no idea who it belonged to.

Not being an over thinker she just presumed it was probably a friend of a neighbours car, who got the wrong house and was to lazy to swap parking places, it was a big driveway so it didn't really bother anyone.

Walking into to driveway she pulled out her keys and got to the door. As she went to unlock the door she just ended up locking it, confused on why it was already unlocked she walked in and shit the door this time locking it.

'It was probably Luke' she thought to herself as he was only 11 and probably didn't realise he was the last person to leave the house this morning.

She walked into her house, walking through the foyer, throwing her shoes of as she did and dumped her bag on the side of the room. That was when she heard voices, at first she thought that maybe Luke came home early and brought some friends round but remembered he had football straight after school, plus it was coming form the kitchen where he would never be caught in with his friends.

Her heart started to beat a little harder in her chest as she contemplated whether to just go upstairs and call her mum asking if theirs anyone meant to be in the house or to go check herself,
'Their probably just here to fix something' she told herself as she decided on going into the kitchen.

Her palms started to sweat slightly as she got closer to the kitchen taking light footsteps careful not to draw attention just in case.
Shit walked through the living room as that was the way to the kitchen and looked round the door into the kitchen.

Her stomach dropped and her heart skipped a couple beats. They weren't her to fix anything.
Standing their in the middle of the kitchen was a group of tall bulky looking men with different coloured masks on.

They seemed to be in a deep stressful looking conversation, as Amanda tried to move and run upstairs, but for some reason she was stuck on the ground.

That was when one of the men looked up and made eye contact with her.

Her stomach dropped again causing her to feel sick, as she managed to move now

"Hey!" She heard a deep voice call

First chapter lol, thought I'd get into the action quickly as I'm lazy lmao

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