6. Bewildered

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When Caia woke, the bed was empty. She found a glass of water on her bedside table with a note.

Shower then come downstairs for breakfast. I left your outfit on the bed for you.

Caia searched the bed until her eyes landed on the strappy set of underwear that was meant to be her outfit. She dropped back against the mattress, cursing under her breath. What had she gotten herself into?

She took a few minutes while in the shower to let her tears fall. What had her life become? She was close to giving up. She didn't care anymore. The last six months had only seen her falling into greater depths of despair and misery. She was done. Whatever Annika had in store for her, she would take it. Because she simply didn't care anymore.

When Caia reached the bottom of the stairs, she found Annika in the kitchen, transferring a pancake from the pan to a plate. She turned, her hungry stare looking Caia up and down.

"It suits you."

Caia looked down at her body.

"Come here," Annika said, her voice low and commanding. When Caia reached her, Annika grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer. "Did you sleep well?" she whispered.


It wasn't a lie. Caia had slept better than she had in months thanks to Annika's massage.

"Are you hungry?"

Caia nodded, and a moment later, Annika slid a stack of pancakes toward her. "Thanks," she said, taking a seat at the counter.

Annika remained standing. She drizzled maple syrup on her pancakes, before passing the bottle to Caia, who fumbled with it, spilling some onto Annika's thumb.

"Sorry," Caia said, panicking.

"It's fine," Annika said, smiling. She rounded the counter until she was next to Caia, then lifted her thumb to her lips. Caia's eyes widened as she realised what Annika was doing a second before she slipped her thumb into her mouth. "As long as you clean it up."

Caia slid her tongue over Annika's thumb. She watched for Annika's response, taking note of the way her eyes half closed, the way her breathing changed.

Annika pulled her hand away, smiling. "Good girl. Now, eat your breakfast."

Shame and embarrassment coloured Caia's cheeks. She dropped her head and focussed on her pancakes, ignoring Annika's presence for the rest of the meal.

When they were done, Caia had free reign over the house to do as she pleased while Annika tucked herself away in her study, where she did much of her work. Caia was thankful of the time to be alone, and time to be able to wear actual clothes over her underwear. She explored, finding more of the house she hadn't seen the day before. There was an entire gym in the lowest level, and an expansive swimming pool in the back yard. The house was massive, with plenty of places to avoid Annika.

At bedtime, Annika asked Caia to her room again. And again, they fell into the same positions as the night before.

"Lay on your side," Annika said.

Caia obeyed, and a second later, Annika's body was against hers. Except this time, Annika was equally dressed in only a bra and underwear, leaving most of their skin touching. For a moment, Caia had caught sight of her, noticing that her tattoo went the full length of her torso, from her neck, to her upper thigh. She couldn't quite make out what it was, but it added to the image. The powerful, fearless leader. Stark contrast to the gentle person Annika seemed to be within the confines of her home.

Unlike the night before, Annika's hands roamed Caia's body. She ran her hand over her abdomen, then her hips, then her thighs.

"On your back."

This had to be it. This would be when Annika forced herself on her.

Despite her fear, Caia obeyed.

Annika watched her for a moment, her eyes narrowed as she took in every inch of Caia, who averted her gaze under her intense stare.

"Open," Annika said, tapping Caia's thigh.

Tears welled in Caia's eyes as she parted her legs. She could do it. She had to. She just had to focus. Pretend it was by choice.

Upon noticing Caia's tears, Annika frowned. She reached forward, wiping her cheeks dry. "It's not what you think it is."

"It's not?"

Annika shook her head. Positioned between Caia's legs, she lowered herself down until she was laying on top of her. "Am I hurting you?"

"No... I can barely feel your weight."

Annika released a contented sigh and nuzzled into Caia's neck. "I'm sorry I scared you. I should have been clearer about my intentions."

"So that's it? Just this?"

"For tonight, yes."

Caia released a sigh through pursed lips as she stared up at the ceiling. Annika's weight was comforting, no matter how scared she was of her.

When Annika's breathing grew heavy and deep, Caia tapped her on the shoulder. "You're falling asleep."

Annika grumbled and rolled off, onto the mattress beside her. "Goodnight princess."

"Night," Caia said, bewildered by Annika's behaviour.

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