33. A step up

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Caia woke to the sound of Annika vomiting in the bathroom. She looked at the time; it was early, but the sun had just begun to rise. She swiped the glass of water from her bedside table and hurried to the ensuite.

"Are you okay?" Caia searched Annika's eyes for signs of distress. A reason for her early morning nausea.

With her skin pale white, Annika gave a short, unconvincing nod, accepting the glass of water in Caia's outstretched hand. "Must have been something I ate."

"Yeah, maybe."

They had both eaten almost the exact same foods the day before. Everything had been prepared fresh, from breakfast to dinner. If Annika had been affected by their food, Caia would be feeling sick as well.

Caia watched Annika, her eyes narrowed. She remained silent as she took back the glass, before filling it again. "Drink a little more, then I'll help you back to bed."

Once they had returned to the bed, it hadn't taken long for Annika to drift off to sleep. But Caia was no longer sleepy. She stayed awake, listening to Annika's breathing. Then, when she heard Hallie stir in the hall, she lifted the covers and went to make her breakfast, leaving Annika alone to rest.

After breakfast, Caia sent a quick message to Skye, who had planned to visit that day, asking for a few supplies. In particular, anything containing ginger that may aide with Annika's nausea, and some hydration powder.

It wasn't until midday that Annika woke. When she came downstairs, her complexion was still pallid. She offered Caia a weak smile.

"How are you feeling?" Caia asked.

"Awful. I think maybe I have some kind of stomach bug."

If Annika was sick, it wouldn't be long before Caia and Hallie caught it too. But since they were in such close quarters, it would be more likely for the three of them to start showing symptoms around the same time. Caia didn't feel any nausea, and Hallie had been her usual self all morning.

"Skye dropped off some ginger cordial and fresh ginger for tea." Caia glanced at the supplies on the bench. "I also got her to get some more hydration powder since we're almost out."

"Thank you." Annika smiled.

"Why don't I make some tea for you, and you go rest?" Caia asked.

It wasn't hard to convince Annika to take it easy. She was so tired, she hadn't put up a fight. Caia kept a close eye on her throughout the day. Gradually, she seemed better. Gaining more energy as the day went on.

Perhaps it was just something Annika ate. Or something that disagreed with her. Perhaps it was nothing. But Caia couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't nothing.


Caia woke again to the sound of Annika vomiting into the toilet. It was still early, just like the day before. And like the day before, she plucked her glass of water from the bedside table and went to the ensuite to help. She sat on the cold tiles and pulled Annika's hair back while she continued to vomit.

When the heaving subsided, Caia ran her hand over Annika's back. "Do you think you can drink some water?"

Annika nodded, rinsing her mouth out, before taking big gulps of water.

Caia kissed Annika's shoulder. "Still not feeling well, huh?"

"No. Whatever this bug is, I'm glad you or Hallie haven't caught it."

In the silence, Caia's mind went to the small plastic bag in the cupboard under the sink. The supplies she had asked Skye for the day before. Because she knew it wasn't a stomach bug. She just needed more evidence before revealing her suspicions.

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