SCP-163: An Old Castaway

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Item #: SCP-163

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-163's enclosure consists of four adjoining rooms, 3 m from floor to ceiling, with the following attributes:

One 5 m x 5 m receiving room with an airlock and seating appropriate for both SCP-163's and human morphology.One 5 m x 3 m storage room capable of storing SCP-163's isolation suit, tools, and games.One 20 m x 15 m workshop and dining area which contains all salvaged technology, including SCP-163-1.One 5 m x 5 m sleep area and rest facility, furnished with seating and bedding fitting SCP-163's morphology.

Air is filtered into the enclosure and is automatically monitored at all times by computer and once daily by staff, to check for impurities. Filters are to be changed weekly or any time impurities are found in the air. Two separate lighting systems are used in the enclosure: One which produces radiation between 400 nm and 700 nm and one that produces radiation between 150 nm and 300 nm. The primary lighting system is to remain active at all times to facilitate observation. The secondary lighting system may be turned on or off at SCP-163's discretion. At no point are forbidden elements and chemicals to be introduced into the enclosure above prescribed proportions listed in Manual M-163-1. Personnel, and any items brought with them, will be checked for traces of these chemicals prior to being allowed access to the enclosure.

Personnel are to wear isolation suits at all times while in the enclosure to protect themselves and SCP-163 from cross-contamination. Before being granted clearance to enter the enclosure, personnel are to study Manual M-163-2 and submit to an interview with Dr. ████████. Cleared personnel are permitted to interact with SCP-163 by assisting it with repair of equipment and by playing board games with it.

SCP-163 may leave its enclosure at any time. It must first announce its intent to leave the enclosure through an agreed-upon gesture, and don its isolation suit. The suit contains the same air filters used to cycle the air in the enclosure. In order to facilitate vision, SCP-163 may carry a UV flashlight capable of producing radiation wavelengths of no less than 280 nm, in order to keep risk of skin cancer among personnel to a minimum. When roaming the facility, SCP-163 is to be accompanied by a junior researcher who is to record all actions, gestures, and expressions with a video camera. The escort is to also bar SCP-163 from any areas deemed dangerous to it.

Once every three (3) days, personnel are to deliver to the receiving room a 20 L container with chemical elements in proportions listed in Manual M-163-1. SCP-163 will take the container and pour its contents into SCP-163-1. The empty container is then placed in the airlock for retrieval.

Equipment may be removed from the enclosure only when in the presence of SCP-163. If SCP-163 interferes with the removal of a piece of equipment, the item is to be placed back in the area from which it was taken. At no point is SCP-163-1 to be disassembled, operated, or removed by personnel, under any circumstances. Any attempts to do so will result in severe discipline.

Description: SCP-163 is a sapient organism of extraterrestrial origin. When standing, it is 2 m tall and 1.5 m wide, the bulk of the body being suspended 50 cm from the ground. The body is roughly cylindrical with a circular mouth at the bottom, the equivalent of a head at the top, and eight three-jointed legs arranged radially around the equator. SCP-163 also has a series of specialized limbs, listed here:

Two prehensile feeding apparatus on either side of the mouth.Two arms near the top of the body, used for delicate manipulation.Two larger arms located closer to the legs, used for heavy manipulation and lifting, and capable of producing a steady force of approximately 500 N and a striking force of up to 2000 N.Two appendages of indeterminate function located between the legs and mouthparts which had been amputated prior to SCP-163's discovery.

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